4   Artículos

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Jose Luis Valin Rivera, Edison Gonçalves, Paulo Vinicius Soares, Giovana Milito, Jorge Octavio Ricardo Perez, Guillermo Francisco Palacios Roque, Meylí Valin Fernández, Henry Figueredo Losada, Fabrícia Araújo Pereira, Gilberto Garcia del Pino and Alexander Rodriguez Soto    
This study applied the finite element method (FEM) and the moiré strip projection method to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of healthy and endodontic-treated premolar teeth. The finite element method and the moiré strip projection method were applied... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Vinícius Machado Rocha,Francis Wagner Silva Correia,Prakki Satyamurty,Saulo Ribeiro de Freitas,Demerval Soares Moreira,Paulo Ricardo Teixeira da Silva,Edson Soares Fialho    
O modelo regional BRAMS (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) acoplado ao esquema de vegetação dinâmica General Energy and Mass Transport Model (GEMTM) e cenários de usos da terra na Amazônia e de aumento na concentração dos gases do efeito es... ver más
Revista: Revista Brasileira de Climatologia    Formato: Electrónico

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