David Pullar and Stephen Donaldson
All geospatial data are updated periodically. Cadastral parcel mapping, however, has special update requirements that set it apart from other geospatial data. Mapped boundaries change continuously to fit with new survey plans. Additionally, new parcels h...
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Sally F. Abo El-Ezz, Lo?ay A. A., Nadi Awad Al-Harbi, Salem Mesfir Al-Qahtani, Hitham M. Allam, Mohamed A. Abdein and Zinab A. Abdelgawad
Magnesium (Mg) is the most essential element constituent in chlorophyll molecules that regulates photosynthesis processes. The physiological response of ?Superior Seedless? grapes was evaluated under different foliar magnesium fertilization such as sulfa...
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Lei Zhang, Ping Wang, Chengyi Huang, Bo Ai and Wenjun Feng
Terrain rendering is an important issue in Geographic Information Systems and other fields. During large-scale, real-time terrain rendering, complex terrain structure and an increasing amount of data decrease the smoothness of terrain rendering. Existing...
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