M.J. Waterhouse, E. C. Wallich, N. M. Daintith, and H. M. Armleder
Pág. 118 - 129
Saul Engelbourg
Born in Germany and descendant of a wealthy banking family, Henry C. Wallich emigrated to the United States like others of Jewish ancestry who fled during the 1930s. A professor of money and banking at Yale for two decades, Wallich capped his career as a...
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Hartmut Mai
RESUMEN:Se da a conocer la presencia de una nanoflora calcarea (Cocolitoforidos y Discoasteridos), en sedimentos elasticos, marinos, de la Formacion La Portada (costa del Pacifico, Chile, 23° Lat. S) y se discute su valor biocronoestratigrafico. En esta ...
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