Lintang Ayu Alya Maarif, Kusuma Ratnawati, Raditha Dwi Vata Hapsari
Pág. 33 - 43
Lintang Nur Agia, Hafidzah Nurjannah
Pág. 1570 - 1574
Currently, banking is experiencing rapid development so that bank management must be able to manage its business properly, this also applies to Indonesian Islamic Banks which have fewer customers than conventional banks. For this reason, Islamic banking ...
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Nurman Nurman, Elfi Susanti, Lintang Nur Agia
Pág. 499 - 505
Marketing management is one of the main activities carried out by the company to maintain the sustainability of the company, to develop, and to make a profit. The purpose of this study is to compare the traditional marketing system that is already runnin...
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Lintang Dewanti(1), Rofikoh Rokhim(2), (1) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta (2) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Pág. 74 - 83
Yudiana Yudiana,Anggi Elanda,Robby Lintang Buana
Pág. 185 - 191
STMIK ROSMA Karawang telah menerapkan pengarsipan dokumen surat di kampus, yang mana kesemuanya diatur secara daring (online) menggunakan sistem informasi e-office berbasis web. Sejak tahun 2020, Sistem Informasi e-office beberapa kali mengalami pengemba...
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Anggi Elanda,Robby Lintang Buana
Pág. 185 - 191
Abstract -- OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) version 4 issued by a non-profit organization called owasp.org which is dedicated to the security of web-based applications. This systematic review is intended to review whether the Open Web ...
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