Ricardo Rosales, Manuel Castañón-Puga, Felipe Lara-Rosano, Josue Miguel Flores-Parra, Richard Evans, Nora Osuna-Millan and Carelia Gaxiola-Pacheco
Technology has become a necessity in our everyday lives and essential for completing activities we typically take for granted; technologies can assist us by completing set tasks or achieving desired goals with optimal affect and in the most efficient way...
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Encarnación Puga, Antonio Díaz de Federico, Mark Fanning, José Miguel Nieto, José Ángel Rodríguez Martínez-Conde, Miguel Ángel Díaz Puga, José Antonio Lozano, Gianluca Bianchini, Claudio Natali and Luigi Beccaluva
The Betic Ophiolites consist of numerous tectonic slices, metric to kilometric in size, of eclogitized mafic and ultramafic rocks associated to oceanic metasediments, deriving from the Betic oceanic domain. The outcrop of these ophiolites is aligned alon...
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Janete Cristina Gonçalves Gaburo Carneiro,Matias Puga Sanches,Demerval Leônidas Rodrigues,Brigitte R S Pecequilo
Pág. 28 - 31
The effective doses received by the general population from the natural radioactivity in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were assessed from 2007 to 2013, as, apart from the variation from place to place, the background gamma levels in air are not constant...
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Emilio Custodio, María Del Carmen Cabrera, Roberto Poncela, Tatiana Cruz-Fuentes, Gema Naranjo and Luis Olavo Puga De Miguel
The uncertainty associated with natural magnitudes and processes is conspicuous in water resources and groundwater evaluation. This uncertainty has an essential component and a part that can be reduced to some extent by increasing knowledge, improving mo...
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Rafael Eduardo Chiodi,Bruno Peregrina Puga,Oscar Sarcinelli
Pág. 37 - 47
Mecanismos de incentivo econômico estão sendo acessados por políticas públicas para promover a conservação ambiental. O pagamento por serviços ambientais é um destes e, no Brasil, o Projeto Conservador das Águas em Extrema - MG é o seu caso de destaque. ...
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Aline P. Puga,Renato de Mello Prado,Ben-Hur Mattiuz,Diego Wyllyam do Vale,Ivana M. Fonseca
Pág. 97 - 108
In general, tropical soils present low concentrations of zinc (Zn), and the deficiency of Zn is recognized as a world nutritional problem for cereal production and human beings. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to assess the effects of differen...
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Nathan Nunn, Diego Puga
Pág. 20 - 36
Olga E. Scarpati, Maria I. Botana, Alberto D. Capriolo, Veronica Pohl Schnake, Yamile Puga and Edgardo Salaverry
Changes experienced in temperature, precipitation, demography and land coverage are the main themes studied in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, which includes part of Neuquén, Río Negro and Chubut provinces. The precipitation shows important interannua...
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Puga, Marcela; Searle, Rodrigo
Fernández, Teodoro; Radic, Smiljan; Puga, Cecilia