Mustaruddin Mustaruddin,Eko Sri Wiyono,Mohammad Khotib,Asnil Asnil,Samsul Bahri
Pág. 134 - 142
Maninjau Lake is the territorial waters of which contribute greatly to fish production in Agam, West Sumatra. But a lot of waste of economic activities discharged into the lake. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of fishing, conta...
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Eko Siswoyo,Ghozi Faiz Habibi
Pág. 1 - 6
Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) are heavy metal which is very harmful for human being even though in low concentration. Leachate from municipal landfill is one of heavy metals source and its presence often caused environmental contamination in Indonesia and a...
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Eko Prowoto, Achmad Affandi
Pág. 88 - 98
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh employee engagemen terhadap kinerja karyawan, pengaruh komitmen karyawan terhadap kinerja karyawan, Peran organizational citizenship behavior pada pengaruh employee engagemen dan komitmen karyawan terhad...
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Risma Wira Bharata,Eko Suwardi,Mimin Nur Aisyah
Pág. 49 - 64
Abstract: This study explores the effect of budgetary participation on budgetary slack with organizational culture as an intervening variable in inclusive schools. This study used a survey method by distributing questionnaires consisting of six questions...
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Sri Syabanita Elida, Lilis Listiyawati , Desvira Zain, Agus Eko Tejo Sasongko , Ikrima Natasha Alun
Pág. 560 - 568
Rika Yuli Wulansari, Nurul Fadhilah, Miftakhul Huda, Ahmad Zainal Abidin, Agus Eko Sujianto
Pág. 82 - 95
Kemiskinan menjadi probematika kompleks di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Tingginya angka kemiskinan mengakibatkan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat mengalami penurunan sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lambat. Adapun beberapa indikat...
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Muhammad Eko Atmojo,Awang Darumurti,Nita Ariba Hanif
Pág. 46 - 65
The purpose of this study is to find out how big the role of the government and the government's response to realizing policies that favor MSME actors. This study uses the Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) method with the help of Nvivo12 Plus too...
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Muhammad Ali,Muhammad Aprian Jailani,Rendi Eko Budi Setiawan,Cahyadi Kurniawan
Pág. 7 - 95
Digital democracy has become a contemporary study in social and political science, but theoretically the term digital democracy does not yet have a definite pattern, this makes digital democracy fail to be understood both theoretically and practically. T...
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Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Aji Teguh Prihatno, Yustus Eko Oktian, Hyoeun Kang and Howon Kim
In recent years, numerous explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) use cases have been developed, to solve numerous real problems in industrial applications while maintaining the explainability level of the used artificial intelligence (AI) models to ju...
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Frans Wijsen,Ahmad Afnan Anshori
Pág. 109 - 118
In response to environmental degradation, Muslims worldwide have been developing Green Islam and Eco- Theology. This article focuses on Indonesia, particularly on Muhammadiyah members. The authors advocate an empirical approach, based on an analysis of t...
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