Alina Delgado Bohorquez
Pág. 100 - 127
La recuperación de los centros urbanos es una tarea a la que se han abocado los gobiernos de países de América Latina desde hace algunos años y que sigue a la tendencia implantada desde Europa y Estados Unidos. Los mayores costos del desarrollo periurban...
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Estefanía Gómez-Gamboa, Jorge Guillermo Díaz-Rodríguez, Jairo Andrés Mantilla-Villalobos, Oscar Rodolfo Bohórquez-Becerra and Manuel del Jesús Martínez
Alejandra Ospina-Bohórquez, Jorge López-Rebollo, Pedro Muñoz-Sánchez and Diego González-Aguilera
Daniela Patricia Bohórquez-Álvarez, Karen Dayanna Niño-Perdomo and Oscar Danilo Montoya
This paper addresses the problem concerning the efficient minimization of power losses in asymmetric distribution grids from the perspective of convex optimization. This research?s main objective is to propose an approximation optimization model to reduc...
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María Catalina Bohorquez,Jose Luis Chapa,Dario López,María Alejandra Manrique,Cristian Miranda,Ricardo Tendero Caballero
Pág. 51 - 62
The research aims to analyze how the monitoring of CO2 levels can be used as an environmental pollution control strategy and mitigate the spread of diseases such as COVID-19 in closed spaces. In this article, a classroom located in the School of Building...
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Emma García-Meca, María-Victoria Uribe-Bohórquez and Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros
Luz Esperanza Bohorquez, Sergio A. Rojas
Pág. 304 - 305
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Álvaro Camilo da Costa Bohórquez,Marcelo de Almeida Guimarães,Benedito Pereira Lima Neto,Felipe Rodrigues Costa Feitosa,José Bezerra Maricaua
Pág. 115 - 122
O estabelecimento do potencial hortícola nocultivo de alface em regiões como a Amazônia tem sido dificultado em função dapresença de fatores climáticos adversos. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliarmorfológica e produtivamente cultivares de alface na Meso...
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Patricio Bohorquez
Pág. 1 - 19
The present study aims to show the accuracy of paleoflood reconstruction techniques based on two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic modelling of a large flood. Using this reconstruction technique, we determined trends in flood stages over time in a regulated riv...
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Luz Esperanza Bohórquez
Pág. 360 - 362
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