Jia Hou, Jingyu Zhang, Qi Chen, Siwei Xiang, Yishuo Meng, Jianfei Wang, Cimang Lu and Chen Yang
Artificial intelligence is changing and influencing our world. As one of the main algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have developed rapidly in recent years. Especially after the emergence of NASNet, C...
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F J De Beer, V A Azov, D V Kama, F J F Jacobs
Pág. 117
Daar is sowat twintig proteïenogeniese aminosure wat natuurlik in biologiese wesens voorkom. Hierdie aminosure is die boublokke van proteïene. Proteïene is komplekse molekulêre masjiene wat ?n magdom funksies in die liggaam verrig. Inderdaad, sonder prot...
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J F Murray, G van der Horst, M Allsopp, R Kotze
Pág. 128
Apis mellifera-spesies (heuningbye) is noodsaaklike bestuiwers van gewasse. Voortplantingsukses, afhanklik van spermkwaliteit (bepaal deur strukturele en funksionele eienskappe), is dus belangrik vir hul voortbestaan. Literatuur oor die spermgehalte van ...
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J J F Viljoen, M Truter, Q Kritzinger
Pág. 138
Akkerboon is veral onder bestaans- en kleinskaalse boere ?n belangrike gewas. Dit dien nie net as voedselbron vir sowel mens as dier nie, maar het ook ?n reeks medisinale eienskappe. Verder help die verbouing van akkerbone hierdie boere deur natuurlike s...
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S.J. Vosper, J.-F. Mercure
South Africa is an important economy in terms of global greenhouse gas emissions and it has made progressive policy steps to address its national emissions. One significant national fiscal policy is the emissions based purchase tax for private passenger ...
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J.F Santos,M.M. Portela,I. Pulido-Calvo
Pág. 211 - 227
S. Guardia, B. Konsak, S. Combes, F. Levenez, L. Cauquil, J.-F. Guillot, C. Moreau-Vauzelle, M. Lessire, H. Juin, and I. Gabriel
Pág. 1878 - 1889
A. Lebeau, M.-C. Daunay, A. Frary, A. Palloix, J.-F. Wang, J. Dintinger, F. Chiroleu, E. Wicker, and P. Prior
Pág. 154 - 165
T R S Lima, C O D Martins, A Reguly and J F Santos
Pág. 255 - 261
Y.-F. Deng, X.-X. Chen, Z.-L. Zhou, and J.-F. Hou
Pág. 917 - 923