Elisa Gallego Picard
Pág. 19 - 34
Antoine Picard, Florent Barbecot, Gérard Bardoux, Pierre Agrinier, Marina Gillon, José A. Corcho Alvarado, Vincent Schneider, Jean-François Hélie and Frédérick de Oliveira
Accurate discharge measurement is mandatory for any hydrological study. While the ?velocity? measurement method is adapted to laminar flows, the ?dilution? method is more appropriate for turbulent streams. As most low-gradient streams worldwide are neith...
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Laurent Risser, Agustin Martin Picard, Lucas Hervier and Jean-Michel Loubes
The problem of algorithmic bias in machine learning has recently gained a lot of attention due to its potentially strong impact on our societies. In much the same manner, algorithmic biases can alter industrial and safety-critical machine learning applic...
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Laurence Picard, Pierre Blanchet and André Bégin-Drolet
The prefabricated construction industry, also known as off-site construction, has been operating in North America for several years now and differs from traditional construction in its much shorter project timelines, lower costs, and increased build qual...
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Jürgen Helmert, Aynur Sensoy Sorman, Rodolfo Alvarado Montero, Carlo De Michele, Patricia De Rosnay, Marie Dumont, David Christian Finger, Martin Lange, Ghislain Picard, Vera Potopová, Samantha Pullen, Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler and Ali Nadir Arslan
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ES1404 “HarmoSnow”, entitled, “A European network for a harmonized monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather predicti...
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Mohammad Islam, Abdul Hye and Abdulla Mamun
Finite element discretization of the pressure head form of the Richards equation leads to a nonlinear model, which yields numerical convergence difficulties. When the numerical solution to this problem has either an extremely sharp moving front, infiltra...
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Mohammad S. Islam, Claudio Paniconi and Mario Putti
The lookup table option, as an alternative to analytical calculation for evaluating the nonlinear heterogeneous soil characteristics, is introduced and compared for both the Picard and Newton iterative schemes in the numerical solution of Richards? equat...
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Bruno Maresca, Romain Picard et Thomas Pilorin
Georges Dionne, Florence Giuliano, and Pierre Picard
Pág. 58 - 70
F. Batellier, I. Couty, D. Picard and J.P. Bri
Pág. 737 - 745