L. Gáspár, D. Castro-Fresno, D. Jato-Espino, I. Indacoechea-Vega, ... J. Diez
Pág. 3519 - 3526
DURABROADS, an EU FP7 financed project launched in 2013, and led by the University of Cantabria (Spain) aims at providing a sustainable growth through the development of innovative, cost-effective and more durable pavements. The new generation of pavemen...
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Luis A. Sañudo-Fontaneda, Valerio C.A. Andrés-Valeri, Jorge Rodriguez-Hernandez and Daniel Castro-Fresno
Daniel Castro-Fresno, Valerio Carlos Andrés-Valeri, Luis Angel Sañudo-Fontaneda and Jorge Rodriguez-Hernandez
The Spanish climate is full of contrasts, with torrential rains and long droughts; under these conditions, appropriate water management is essential. In Spain, until the end of the twentieth century, water management and legislative development lagged be...
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J Norambuena-Contreras, D. Castro Fresno, J J Del Coz, P J García
Est e trabajo presenta la simulación numérica mediante el método de elementos finitos (MEF) de un ensayo dinámico desarrollado para estudiar la reflexión de grietas en muestras de mezcla asfáltica. Su desarrollo permitió comprobar el valor de los estados...
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