Nudia Indah P., Aprilia Setyaningsih
Pág. 77 - 82
Bia Musa, Muhammad Lukman Hakim
Pág. 1 - 21
Aini Furoida, Indah Susilowati
Pág. 450 - 462
Amir Mahmud, Nurdian Susilowati, Indah Anisykurlillah and Puji Novita Sari
The policy of educational autonomy through legal entity state universities is a very interesting issue. Universities have the authority to manage finances and collect additional income, specifically generated income. Its successful implementation also pr...
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Indah Kusumawati, Novita Khasanah, Aulia Cahya Rani, M. Rizal Abdan K, M. Iqbal Maulana, Dwi Rolliawati, Khalid Khalid
Pág. 46 - 53
Home industry Ozon?s Ring adalah UMKM yang memproduksi gelang merpati dengan berbagai model. Produksi gelang beberapa kali mengalami overload pada event-event tertentu seperti harbolnas. Penyebabnya dari bahan utama yang kosong dan proses produksi yang l...
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Amin Chegenizadeh, Anthony Tufilli, Indah Sekar Arumdani, Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, Ethan Dadras and Hamid Nikraz
From the perspective of sustainability and environmental concerns, the use of cold-mix asphalt (CMA) and recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) is more advantageous than the use of hot mix asphalt (HMA) and warm mix asphalt (WMA). Some researchers used a mixtur...
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Benyamin Benyamin*,Pratiwi Pratiwi,Fitriani Indah
Pág. 224 - 234
Jatibarang structure, situated in Jatibarang low, one of the prolific sub-basin in the northwest Java basin, belongs to PT. Pertamina EP working area. One hundred seventy wells have been drilled, from which there were 56 production wells. Forty productio...
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Debi Indah Permatasari, Dessy Isfianadewi
Pág. 385 - 392
Siti Indah Purwaning Yuwana,Isti Fadah
Pág. 30 - 37
The change in the service orientation of the pharmaceutical industry from product-oriented to patient-oriented and the high public need for pharmaceutical products, especially after Indonesia experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, became an excellent opportu...
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Kartika Indah Sari,Darlina Tanjung
Pág. 85 - 91
District Medan Belawan often subjected to tidal flooding. This is due to because the region is located on the coast of the beach and the surface of the ground is lower than the surface of the ocean. Some of the factors that cause the occurrence of tidal ...
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