30   Artículos

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Álvaro Muñoz and Pablo García-Fogeda    
This paper compares various procedures for determining the optimal control law for a wing section in compressible flow. The flow regime includes subsonic, sonic and supersonic flows. For the evolution of the system in the Laplace plane, the present metho... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Masahiro Kanazaki and Nao Setoguchi    
The forward-swept wing (FSW), one of the wing planforms used in aircraft, is known for its high performance in reducing wave drag. Additionally, a study has shown that this wing planform can mitigate sonic booms, which pose a significant challenge to ach... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Zian Wang, Lei Hu, Wanghua Fei, Dapeng Zhou, Dapeng Yang, Chenxi Ma, Zheng Gong, Jin Wu, Chengxi Zhang and Yi Yang    
This paper focuses on the triaxial augmentation ability of the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) technique on the tailless layout with a fully moving wing tip to achieve high control performance for the supersonic tailless aircraft. Firstly, th... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Yuki Kishi, Risato Yashiro and Masahiro Kanazaki    
Forward-swept wings can be expected to be lower-boom planforms with similar amount of drag as backward-swept wings because of their good lift distributions. In this study, the equivalent area distribution of a ten-seater supersonic forward-swept wing air... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Tingkai Dai and Bo Zhang    
The interaction between shock waves and turbulent boundary layers (SBLI) is a common phenomenon in transonic and supersonic aircraft wings. In this study, we simulated the SBLI of a classical NACA0012 wing at an angle of attack (AOA) of 1.4° and Mach num... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Liqi Zhang and Yonghui Zhao    
Advanced rotational variable-swept missile wings require the ability to rapidly deploy, retract and reach the designated position. Therefore, the establishment of an effective time-varying aeroelastic model of a rotating missile wing is the prerequisite ... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Qi Liu, Juanmian Lei, Yong Yu and Jintao Yin    
Obvious aeroelastic deformation occurs in spinning projectiles with large slenderness ratio, which seriously affects flight stability and maneuverability. This paper investigates the aeroelastic response of spinning projectiles with large slenderness rat... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Tingkai Dai and Bo Zhang    
Shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction (SBLI) is one of the most common physical phenomena in transonic wing and supersonic aircraft. In this study, the compression ramp SBLI (CR-SBLI) was simulated at a 24° corner at Mach 2.84 using the open-so... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Álvaro Muñoz and Pablo García-Fogeda    
In this paper, a unified method for the computation of the unsteady aerodynamic forces in the Laplace domain for a wing section in subsonic, sonic and supersonic potential flows is presented. The subsonic solution is a new development based on the pressu... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Shaun Whitehead    
Life on Venus Expedition (LOVE) Bugs are a proposed family of miniature, featherlight probes for exploring and sensing the Venusian atmosphere. The Bugs carry tiny ThumbSat femtosatellite buses and instruments beneath balloons or flexible parawings. They... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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