Intan Permana, Partono Thomas, Kardoyo Kardoyo
Pág. 87 - 95
The Indonesian Government has ratified Financial Accounting Standards for Entities without Public Accountability (FAS-EWPA, in bahasa Indonesia known as SAK-ETAP) in 2009 as guidelines for financial reporting for entities without public accountability, o...
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Agung Baskoro Hidayatullah, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto Widiyanto
Graduates of the marketing expertise competency at SMK Pharmasi Semarang are not in accordance with the competencies required by DUDI as a medical representative. The purpose of this study was to analyze strategies for increasing the competency of ...
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Alessia Amighini,Francesco Giavazzi
Pág. 219 - 228
Il rapporto fra tasso di interesse reale e tasso di crescita dell?economia è diventato centrale nel dibattito su due temi macroeconomici di grande attualità: diseguaglianza e politica fiscale. Confrontiamo le posizioni dei due economisti francesi protago...
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Ratna Dewi Kholipatun, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto Widiyanto
Pág. 77 - 83
Today?s the competition in the retail business is very tight, so retail businesses must pay attention to the factors that can influence the development of their business. One of the factors that must be considered is customer loyalty. The objectives of t...
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Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto Widiyanto
Pág. 24 - 30
Consumption Behavior Consumptive students due to the knowledge of consumption and the lack of parental role in modeling and low family economic education in providing education about consumption of their children led to consumptive behavior. The formulat...
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Rut Ervianna Kurnia Sari, Kardoyo Kardoyo, Partono Thomas
Pág. 82 - 89
Research objectives to find out and analyze the factors that hinder student's learning difficulties Papua grantee LPMAK on economic subjects. This research is descriptive research approach to mix method. The subject in this study is the whole student sch...
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Theodorus Mawo, Partono Thomas, St. Sunarto
Pág. 60 - 65
Perilaku konsumtif adalah segala kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan tindakan manusia dalam mengkonsumsi suatu barang tanpa didasarkan pada pertimbangan kebutuhan melainkan lebih pada pertimbangan pemuasan diri atau keinginan. Perilaku konsumtif yang mengutam...
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Listiyowati listiyowati, Agus Wahyudin, Partono Thomas
Pág. 142 - 153
Kinerja keuangan di perguruan tinggi swasta adalah salah satu faktor penting untuk mencapai kualitas pendidikan. Fenomena menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan perguruan tinggi swasta yang kurang baik, terutama dalam hal likuiditas (current ratio) yang mend...
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Dani Rahman Hakim, Agus Wahyudin, Partono Thomas
Pág. 154 - 167
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis pengaruh Prestasi Belajar dan Aktivitas Berorganisasi terhadap Daya Saing mahasiswa. 2) Menganalisis peran Soft Skill sebagai variabel intervening yang memediasi pengaruh tidak langsung Prestasi Belajar dan...
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Partono Thomas
Tujuan penelitian : untuk mengetahui Determinan mutu proses SMK negeri bisnis manajemen di eks karesidenan Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan korelasional dan survey. Populasi penelitian semua guru SMK bisnis-manajemen di Eks Karesidenan Su...
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