10   Artículos

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Keren Xie, Tiefeng Li, Yanyan Zhang, Shijun Wu and Canjun Yang    
With the continuous deepening of research on seafloor hydrothermal observations, the demand for a sustainable power supply of observation equipment is increasingly urgent. A kind of device that utilizes the temperature difference near hydrothermal vents ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Wenxi Chen, Xifang Liu, Yuanyi Zhao and Yongjie Lin    
The Qinghai?Tibet Plateau (QTP) hosts significant lacustrine sedimentary boron-rich deposits, with the Xiongba Basin being a prominent region housing two large sedimentary boron-rich deposits. These deposits are closely associated with extensive Neogene ... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Deyang Zhao, Xiaocheng Zhou, Yongxian Zhang, Miao He, Jiao Tian, Junfeng Shen, Ying Li, Guilan Qiu, Fang Du, Xiaoming Zhang, Yao Yang, Jun Zeng, Xuelian Rui, Feng Liao and Zhijun Guan    
Studying the hydrogeochemical characteristics of hot springs provides essential geochemical information for monitoring earthquake precursors and understanding the relationship between fluids, fractures, and earthquakes. This paper investigates the hydrog... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Abdek Hassan Aden    
At the center of the Republic of Djibouti, an eroded rift called Asal is located where tectonic and magmatic activities can be observed at the surface. Multiple studies were carried out with different exploration methods, such as structural, geophysical ... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Saeed Mahmoodpour, Mrityunjay Singh, Christian Obaje, Sri Kalyan Tangirala, John Reinecker, Kristian Bär and Ingo Sass    
The United Downs Deep Geothermal Project (UDDGP) is designed to utilize a presumably permeable steep dipping fault damage zone (constituting the hydrothermal reservoir in a very low permeability granitic host rock) for fluid circulation and heat extracti... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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María José J. Espeche,Raúl Lira,Nicolás A. Viñas     Pág. 14 - 45
On-going mining operations in a marble quarry (Cantera Centro) from Malagueño, Sierra Chica de Córdoba, Argentina, have unearthed veins, veinlets and lenses of sulfides (pyrrhotite>pyrite?chalcopyrite>>sphalerite). These veins and lenses are up ... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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Irwan Iskandar, Fikri Adam Dermawan, Juni Yesy Sianipar, Suryantini and Sudarto Notosiswoyo    
The Tampomas Volcano is a Quaternary volcano located on Java Island and controlled by a west-northwest?east-southeast (WNW-ESE) regional fault trend. This regional structure acts as conduits for the hydrothermal fluids to ascend from a deeper system towa... ver más
Revista: Geosciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Cristian Rodrigo,Jenny M. Blamey,Oliver Huhn,Christine Provost     Pág. 344 - 356
The rifting zone of Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, is tectonically and geologically unique. It is a back-arc basin that was opened by extensional forces associated to roll-back subduction after cessation of spreading activity of the Phoenix Ridge, and th... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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