Mónica Fernández-Aparicio, Gabriele Soriano, Marco Masi, Pilar Carretero, Susana Vilariño-Rodríguez and Alessio Cimmino
Cuscuta species are obligate parasitic plants that infect the stems of a wide range of hosts including many crop and weed species causing severe agricultural problems. Using in vitro experiments to screen organic extracts prepared from fifteen autotrophi...
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Gabriele Soriano, Mónica Fernández-Aparicio, Marco Masi, Susana Vilariño-Rodríguez and Alessio Cimmino
Miguel R. Luaces, Jesús A. Fisteus, Luis Sánchez-Fernández, Mario Munoz-Organero, Jesús Balado, Lucía Díaz-Vilariño and Henrique Lorenzo
Providing citizens with the ability to move around in an accessible way is a requirement for all cities today. However, modeling city infrastructures so that accessible routes can be computed is a challenge because it involves collecting information from...
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José Luis Amador Vilariño, José Bienvenido Martínez Rodríguez, Oscar Brown Manrique
Pág. 27 - 32
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño, Pawel Boguslawski, Kourosh Khoshelham and Henrique Lorenzo
With the rise of urban population, updated spatial information of indoor environments is needed in a growing number of applications. Navigational assistance for disabled or aged people, guidance for robots, augmented reality for gaming, and tourism or tr...
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Csaba Kelen, Pablo Vilarino, Georgios Christou
Pág. 1058 - 1065
New data collection technologies have all, but replaced traditional, site-based data collection methods for trip matrix development in the UK. Event data produced by Mobile Network Operators provides adequate information to identify time and location of ...
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Lidia María Pérez Vallejo, Carlos Manuel Vilariño Corella, Marisol Pérez Campaña
Las organizaciones se desarrollan en entornos que cambian rápida y constantemente derivado de dos factores principales: las propias transformaciones de los agentes económicos y sociales; y la actividad y dinamismo de la competencia y el desarrollo tecnol...
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A. Menchaca, M. Vilariño, M. Crispo, A. Pinczak and E. Rub
Pág. 1111 - 1117
H. von Bernard, Virginia Vilarino, Gervasio Piñeiro
Pág. 91 - 98
In this study, the total annual and theoretical emission of methane (CH4) was estimated for cattle subjected to three winter fattening systems used in Argentina. These were extensive, semi-intensive and intensive fattening systems. The estimated annual e...
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Bouvarel, I. Barrier-Guillot, B. Larroude, P. Boutten, B. Leterrier, C. Merlet, F. Vilarino, M. Roffidal, L. Tesseraud, S. Castaing, J.
Pág. 49 - 60