Ivan Wallan Tertuliano, Eric Matheus Rocha Lima, Vivian Oliveira, Bruna Alves Santana, Vladan Pavlovic, Afonso Antonio Machado
Research Question: the paper investigates the influence of the size of the squad and the club's expenditures on football in the final classification in seasons 2008 to 2016 of the first division of the Brazilian Football League (Serie A). Motivation: Con...
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Eric Matheus Rocha Lima, Vivian de Oliveira, Vladan Pavlovic, Carlos Norberto Fischer, Afonso Antonio Machado, Ivan Wallan Tertuliano
Pág. 1 - 12
Reserarch question: the paper investigates the influence of football clubs investments on their performancen the first division of the Brazilian league. Motivation: Considering football as the most important sport in Brazil, representing a cultural symbo...
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