Kun Zhang, Jianyao Yao, Wenxiang Zhu, Zhifu Cao, Teng Li and Jianqiang Xin
The thermal protection system (TPS) represents one of the most critical subsystems for vehicle re-entry. However, due to uncertainties in thermal loads, material properties, and manufacturing deviations, the thermal response of the TPS exhibits significa...
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Philip Dawid
This article surveys the variety of ways in which a directed acyclic graph (DAG) can be used to represent a problem of probabilistic causality. For each of these ways, we describe the relevant formal or informal semantics governing that representation. I...
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Timothy O. Hodson, Keith J. Doore, Terry A. Kenney, Thomas M. Over and Muluken B. Yeheyis
Streamflow is one of the most important variables in hydrology, but it is difficult to measure continuously. As a result, nearly all streamflow time series are estimated from rating curves that define a mathematical relationship between streamflow and so...
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Yalin Yang, Yanan Wu and May Yuan
In-person social events bring people to places, while people and places influence where and what social events occur. Knowing what people do and where they build social relationships gives insights into the distribution and availability of places for soc...
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Fábio Mendonça, Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa, Fernando Morgado-Dias and Antonio G. Ravelo-García
This study presents a novel approach for kernel selection based on Kullback?Leibler divergence in variational autoencoders using features generated by the convolutional encoder. The proposed methodology focuses on identifying the most relevant subset of ...
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Gayan Dharmarathne, Gabriela F. Nane, Andrew Robinson and Anca M. Hanea
Mathematical aggregation of probabilistic expert judgments often involves weighted linear combinations of experts? elicited probability distributions of uncertain quantities. Experts? weights are commonly derived from calibration experiments based on the...
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Sergio Urriza-Trejo, Héctor Hurtazo, Jorge Palacios and Martha Cruz-Soto
During the pandemic confinement, the WHO changed the term ?social distancing? to ?physical distancing?, to help people deal with the lack of social contact. As a result, there was an increase in mental health problems, including insomnia and stress, with...
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Guo Li, Junbo Liu, Liu Yang, Huimin Zhou and Shuiting Ding
The probabilistic damage tolerance analysis of aeroengine rotor disks is essential for determining if the disk is safe. To calculate the probability of failure, the numerical integration method is efficient if the integral formula of the probability dens...
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Carla Sahori Seefoo Jarquin, Alessandro Gandelli, Francesco Grimaccia and Marco Mussetta
Understanding how, why and when energy consumption changes provides a tool for decision makers throughout the power networks. Thus, energy forecasting provides a great service. This research proposes a probabilistic approach to capture the five inherent ...
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Mohammadreza Mohammadi, Araliya Mosleh, Mehran S. Razzaghi, Pedro Alves Costa and Rui Calçada
The purpose of this research is to study the seismic performance of railway embankments through a probabilistic approach. Nonlinear response history analyses were conducted utilizing PLAXIS software. Three categories of railway embankments were selected ...
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