21   Artículos

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Azka Firda Wiladiyah, Sukma Ayu Putri     Pág. 130 - 140
Revista: Journal of Governance Innovation    Formato: Electrónico

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Ruslan Prijadi, Permata Wulandari, Fajar Ayu Pinagara and Putri Mega Desiana    
The objective of this study is to elaborate on the development of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) at the bottom of the economy, where most of them began as unbanked micro-ventures and may continue to be micro-enterprises even after being elevated to h... ver más

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Sukma Ayu Putri     Pág. 89 - 106
Revista: Journal of Governance Innovation    Formato: Electrónico

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Arum Prasasti, Della Ayu Zonna Lia, Karunia Putri Nuari     Pág. 94 - 99

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Aning Kesuma Putri,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)Ayu Wulandari,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)     Pág. 198 - 210
The purpose of this research was to determine the variability of fishermen's incomes by looking at the effect of fishermen's experience, fishermen's education, and fisherman's working hours on income. The population of this research is fishermen in East ... ver más
Revista: Integrated Journal of Business and Economics    Formato: Electrónico

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Vega Ayu Putri Astuti,Eko Madyo Sutanto,Faiz Rahman Siddiq     Pág. p.138 - 156
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Implementasi E-System Perpajakan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Non Karyawan (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Surakarta. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah wajib ora... ver más
Revista: ProBank    Formato: Electrónico

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Dewa Ayu Sri Swasti Putri Wiryani, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Endang Mardiati     Pág. 351 - 356
The objective of this study is to ex?mine the imp?ct of profit?bility ?nd feminism of bo?rd of directors on corpor?te sust?in?bility perform?nce. This study ?lso investig?tes the role of independent bo?rd in moder?ting the rel?tionship between profit?bil... ver más

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Putri Ayu     Pág. 110 - 120
Revista: European Journal of Economics and Business Studies    Formato: Electrónico

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Indra Satya Prasavita Amertha,I Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui,I Gusti Ayu Made Asri Dwija Putri     Pág. 259 - 268
The inconsistency of the results in previous studies related to the relationship of firm size and leverage on earnings management practices is still interesting. In contrast to the previous studies, this study is not merely to determine the effect of fir... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Lady Hasiani Siahaan,Gusti Made Arya Sasmita,Gusti Agung Ayu Putri     Pág. 186 - 194
The development of technology in the digital era is currently growing very rapidly it is including in education, such as the creation of an academic information system that aims to facilitate the process of the needs of lecturers, employees and students ... ver más

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