85   Artículos

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Dongfeng Yan, Zehang Zhao, Anchen Song, Fengming Li, Lu Ye, Ganchao Zhao and Shan Ma    
The fluidic pintle nozzle, a new method to control the thrust of a solid rocket motor, has been proposed in recent years by combining the pintle with the aerodynamic throat (fluidic throat). The study of static characteristics has proved that it has a re... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Ge Wang, Chengke Li, Weiqiang Pu, Bocheng Zhou, Haiwei Yang and Zenan Yang    
A solid rocket motor (SRM) with a high aspect ratio that performs normally during ground tests may experience instability during flight. To address this issue, this study employs the pulse triggering method and the numerical approach of two-way fluid?str... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Shuyuan Liu, Yu Zhang, Limin Wang, Zhengchun Chen and Songqi Hu    
The effect of mixing on coupled heat release and transfer performance of a novel segregated solid motor is numerically evaluated with a transient two-dimensional combustion model. The results show that vortex structures are formed and evolved in the comb... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Jiahao Liu, Yinghong Wang, Xinyang Li and Junhao Cong    
A new method for determining the burning rate of a solid propellant, called the Impulse Method, is proposed in this paper. It is based on the proportional relationship between the impulse generated and the mass of the burned propellant. The pressure?time... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Di Sun, Yongzhou Li, Peijin Liu, Bofeng Chen and Wei Fan    
A gas?solid-coupled sandwich combustion model was established for ammonium perchlorate (AP)/hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) composite propellant. Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the influence of the content of AP and the rela... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Tianfang Wei, Guobiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yuanjun Zhang, Chengen Li and Xiangyu Meng    
This study investigated reconstruction techniques for building the instantaneous fuel regression rate of the hybrid rocket motor (HRM). Specifically, an experiment in a laboratory 500 N-class hybrid rocket motor with single-port wagon wheel fuel grain, o... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Yang Liu, Xintong Li, Pengcheng Wang, Xiaotian Zhang, Hao Zhu and Guobiao Cai    
This paper proposed a multi-objective, multi-disciplinary design optimization and multi-attribute evaluation method for the manned lunar lander descent stage. A system design model is established considering multiple disciplines such as propulsion, struc... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Seok-Hwan Oh, Tae-Seong Roh and Hyoung Jin Lee    
This study was focused on the configuration design of a star grain by using machine learning in the optimal design process. The key to optimizing the grain design is aimed at obtaining a set of configuration variables that satisfy the requirements. The o... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Shixiong Song, Quanbin Ren, Min Tang, Jiawei Shi and Jiawei Wang    
Fused deposition technology (FDM), as an additive manufacturing (AM) technology, holds immense potential in the field of solid grain manufacturing. It can accomplish complex grain shaping with ultra-low-pressure ratios, which are challenging to achieve u... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Jihyoung Cha    
This study deals with the mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of chemical propulsion systems (CPSs). For this, we investigate and summarize a comprehensive collection of the simulation modeling developments of CPSs in academic works, applicati... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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