Eric Didier and Paulo R. F. Teixeira
Methodologies to be used in numerical models based on Reynolds-averaged Navier?Stokes (RANS) equations and the volume of fluid (VoF) to deal with waves over coastal structures, which involve wave breaking and overtopping and porous structures, are shown ...
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Yuichiro Aiba, Gerardo Urbina, Masanari Shibata and Osami Shoji
Peptide nucleic acid can recognise sequences in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) through the formation of a double-duplex invasion complex. This double-duplex invasion is a promising method for the recognition of dsDNA in cellula because peptide nucleic acid ...
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Alfred R. Osborne
Nonlinear Fourier Analysis (NLFA) as developed herein begins with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two-space and one-time dimensions (the 2+1 NLS equation). The integrability of the simpler nonlinear Schrödinger equation in one-space and one-time di...
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Michail Manolidis, Mark Orzech and Julian Simeonov
Studies of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation indicate that surface gravity waves traveling against currents of increasing strength gain energy and steepness in the process, and this can be a mechanism for rogue wave formation. Likewise, experiment...
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Sandro Amador, Mahmoud El-Kafafy, Álvaro Cunha and Rune Brincker
Recently, a lot of efforts have been devoted to developing more precise Modal Parameter Estimation (MPE) techniques. This is explained by the necessity in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering of obtaining accurate estimates for the modal parameter...
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Kei Nakagawa, Mitsuyoshi Imamura and Kenichi Yoshida
In the field of portfolio management, practitioners are focusing increasingly on risk-based portfolios rather than on mean-variance portfolios. Risk-based portfolios are constructed based solely on covariance matrices, and include methods such as minimum...
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