Henrique Portulhak, Márcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo
Pág. 25 - 44
El estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar empíricamente si los gerentes de diferentes niveles jerárquicos de una organización le otorgan a los indicadores estratégicos de desempeño distintos niveles de importancia. El estudio se realizó en un hospital univ...
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Myoung-Su Choi, Dong-Hun Han, Jun-Woo Choi and Min-Soo Kang
Sleep apnea has emerged as a significant health issue in modern society, with self-diagnosis and effective management becoming increasingly important. Among the most renowned methods for self-diagnosis, the STOP-BANG questionnaire is widely recognized as...
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Renáta Rozgonyi, József Janszky, Norbert Kovács and Béla Faludi
Diagnosis and effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) in adults is an important health priority. Home respiratory polygraphy is a cost-effective alternative to polysomnography in OSA. The aim of this study was to investigate the var...
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Lucia Memè, Sabina Saccomanno, Enrico M. Strappa, Francesco Sampalmieri, Fabrizio Bambini and Gianni Gallusi
Severe positional obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (POSAS) is a common clinical respiratory disorder with an incidence of 26.7% to 74.5%. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) combined with positional therapy is the gold standard of treatment. Howev...
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Ethan I. Huang, Shu-Yi Huang, Yu-Ching Lin, Chieh-Mo Lin, Chin-Kuo Lin, Ying-Chih Huang and Jian-An Su
In patients of very severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with confined framework, reducing volume is difficult to achieve a postoperative apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) qualifying the classical surgical success. However, a higher AHI with a larger part of hy...
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Vincenzo Quinzi, Sabina Saccomanno, Rebecca Jewel Manenti, Silvia Giancaspro, Licia Coceani Paskay and Giuseppe Marzo
Aim: To systematically review international literature related to rapid maxillary expansion (RME) as the treatment for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children less than 18 years-old, followed by a meta-analysis of the apnea-hypopnea index (AH...
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Dong Hyun Kim, Sang Hwa Lee and Sang Haak Lee
Findings on sleep bruxism (SB) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) are controversial, and some of these findings have relied on in-laboratory polysomnography (PSG). We aimed to identify the factors associated with SB episodes in 100 ...
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Mauricio Rozo Rodríguez, Inés Casanovas, María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Pág. 24
Los procesos y actividades en la gestión de calidad de la ingeniería de software generan un gran volumen de conocimiento, considerado como un factor crítico para la calidad de producto software. En consecuencia, es necesario una mejora significativa de l...
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Faustino Núñez
Pág. 35 - 40
RESUMEN:Si los italianos son dulces, los españoles somos salaos. La sal como analogía de una idiosincrasia que mezcla lo exótico con el desparpajo propio de los hispanos. En contraposición a la delicadeza del europeo el temperamento español. Aunque sea c...
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María Jesus López Lorenzo
Pág. 63 - 70
La misión de la Biblioteca Nacional de España es conservar y difundir el patrimonio documental español en todos los soportes. Probablemente salvaguardar las grabaciones sonoras y la memoria oral sea la que plantea mayor número de problemas a las in...
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