Panin Asirifua Obeng, Peter Appiah Obeng, Eric Awere
Pág. Page:1 - 18Abstract
Novi Yanti
Pág. 037 - 056
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui:1) kinerja keuangan antara Bank konvensional (BRI) dan Bank syari?ah (Bank Panin Syari?ah) yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2011-2015 dilihat dari rasio keuangan likuiditas (Quick Rasio, LDR), rasio solvabilitas (CA...
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Florin Dutu, Nicolae Panin, Gabriel Ion and Laura Tiron Dutu
In the Danube Delta, on the Sulina branch, the morphology, sediment, and bedform characteristics were investigated. Three-dimensional (3D) bathymetry, flow velocity, suspended-load concentration, and liquid and solid discharge data were acquired througho...
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Vladimir Karpov, Aleksandr Panin, Alexey Semenov
Pág. 261 - 266
Thin shells are often used for roofing of large-span constructions including hangars for vehicles. This paper considers the approach to study of strength and stability of such structures. A geometrically nonlinear mathematical model of deformation of dou...
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Sudarmin Amdar,Ventje Ilat,Agus Tony Poputra
Pág. 249 - 259
Banking world to be part of a country's economic success. More and more financial institutions that exist in a country, the better the economic turnaround that is therein. The reason the economy was good for people who have more funds can save their mone...
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Yu. O. Panin,V. S. Kosov,O. V. Tryfonov
Pág. 102 - 106
The results of practical application of the technology of combined rails lubrication are presented in the article.
V. S. Kossov,Yu. O. Panin
Pág. 100 - 108
The concept of combined rail lubrication, the results of theoretical and experimental researches of its efficiency are considered.
Vopilkin, E. A.; Panin, A. N.; Parafin, A. E.; Pavlov, S. A.
Pág. 3328 - 3331
Ardias Rifki Khaerun Cahya
Pág. 223 - 232
Berkembangnya perbankan syariah di masa mendatang, menyebabakan pemerintah banyak mengeluarkan undang-undang agar bank dapat menjalankan tugasnya berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Agar bank-bank syariah dapat menjalankan prinsipnya sesuai dengan syariah maka ...
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