26   Artículos

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Dauren Ayazbayev, Andrey Bogdanchikov, Kamila Orynbekova and Iraklis Varlamis    
This work focuses on determining semantically close words and using semantic similarity in general in order to improve performance in information retrieval tasks. The semantic similarity of words is an important task with many applications from informati... ver más
Revista: Big Data and Cognitive Computing    Formato: Electrónico

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Steven Buigut     Pág. 690 - 700
To tame the hyperinflation experienced in the country, Zimbabwe adopted a relatively unique solution by implementing a multi-currency system in January 2009. Five foreign currencies were granted official status. However, this arrangement is viewed as a t... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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John S. Church,Allan F. Raymond,Paul E. Moote,Jonathan D. Van Hamme,Donald J. Thompson    
Greenhouse gas emissions from cattle have been increasingly recognized as an important anthropogenic source. We investigated the impact of cattle ranching on these emissions in British Columbia in order to determine the overall carbon footprint. The graz... ver más
Revista: Journal of Ecosystems and Management    Formato: Electrónico

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Juan Ramos, Roque Riggio, J. Martínez    
En diversos trabajos anteriores hemos estudiado el ter-amil metil éter que viene usándose como uno de los aditivos antidetonantes más recomendables en diferentes combustibles líquidos. El octanaje es una medidas de la calidad de gasolina. Con el objeto d... ver más
Revista: EnergÍ­as Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ERMA)    Formato: Electrónico

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Jean Simpson, Geoff Fougere and Rob McGee    
Young children being injured at home is a perennial problem. When parents of young children and family workers discussed what influenced parents? perceptions and responses to child injury risk at home, both ?upstream? and ?downstream? causal factors were... ver más

usuarios registrados
Chin Eng Loo, Nigel Tame, Gareth Carlson Penny     Pág. 967 - 976
Revista: ISIJ INTERNATIONAL    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Jerzy Browkin     Pág. 967 - 999
Revista: MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Groenewegen, R. P.     Pág. 1443 - 1458
Revista: MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION    Formato: Impreso

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Gilberto da Cunha Gonçalves, Fernando César Gazola, Maria Angelica Simoes Dornellas de Barros, Pedro Augusto Arroyo     Pág. 1401 - 1406
No presente trabalho foi estudada a síntese do TAME sobre zeólitas USY, H-Mordenita, H-ZSM-5 e H-Beta. As reações foram feitas em um reator batelada, a 80oC e pressão de 10 kgf/cm2, utilizando metanol e isoamilenos reativos (2-metil buteno 1 e 2-metil bu... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Gilberto da Cunha Gonçalves, Fernando Cesar Gazola, Maria Angelica Simoes Dornellas de Barros, Pedro Augusto Arroyo     Pág. 1415 - 1419
No presente trabalho, foi estudada a síntese do TAME, em fase líquida, a partir de uma fração C5 e metanol, utilizando Amberlyst 15 como catalisador. A fração C5 utilizada possui uma diolefina, que tem uma alta tendência à formação de gomas e um alto teo... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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