Juniours Marire
AbstractOrientation: Heterodox economic scholarship has challenged the neoclassical doctrine that fiscal deficit increases unemployment in the long-term.Research purpose: This article examined the relationship between fiscal deficits and unemployment.Mot...
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Daniela Tavasci,Luigi Ventimiglia
Pág. 355 - 384
Partendo da un?analisi del debito di Sylos Labini (2003) e Pasinetti (1998), il presente articolo re-esamina criticamente le raccomandazioni di politica economica suggerite dalle teorie che scoraggiano l?intervento dello stato e sostengono l?austerità, i...
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Anjum Siddiqui,Abdul Waheed,Haider Mahmood
Pág. 1768 - 1777
We examine the effects of various new variables relating to uncertainty and find that ?social uncertainty? in the form of increased crime is leading to portfolio substitution from bank accounts towards savings in durable goods and other real assets in a ...
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Lukman Hakim(1), (1) 
Becker, Torbjörn
Pág. 405 - 432