Axellina Muara Setyanti,Setyo Tri Wahyudi
Pág. 208 - 219
Abstract: FDI - employment relationship has been a major concern of many researchers due to it's various findings. FDI is stated that able to trigger growth in employment, however, on the other hand, some have found that employment conditions affect FDI ...
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Amelia Amelia,Tri Diana
Pág. 1 - 19
Abstract: The research aims to analyze the effect of fiscal balance fund on income inequality in West Kalimantan by considering spatial inter-relationships between existing districts/cities. The study showed that the Spatial Durbin Model with fixed ...
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Abdullah Wajir Jabid,Bakri Soamole,Rahman Dano Mustafa
Pág. 115 - 131
AbstractThe main problem of employment includes the amount of open unemployment, the low quality of the workforce (low competency), low work productivity, and low welfare of workers, so workforce planning is needed that can be used as a reference by all ...
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Titien Agustina,Nurhikmah Nurhikmah,Muhammad Rudiansyah
Pág. 1 - 15
AbstractThis study aims to measure the Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy, and Adversity Quotient of owners or managers on the performance of Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes), which have a similar condition as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The n...
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Sunarta Sunarta, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, Indonesia Vigoureux Chinyabuuma Titho, Uplift a Child Congo, Congo Yunus Agung Kristanto, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia Rini Setyaningsih, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia 10.21831/economia.v18i2.47382
Pág. 148 - 158
AbstractThis study aims to examine the role of psychological contract fulfillment in mediating the effect of achievement motivation and affective commitment on salesforce performance. The research was conducted on the dynamics and uncertainties of the po...
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Mada Adi Wibowo,Rina Sari Qurniawati
Pág. p.67 - 79
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Prestasi Kerja dengan Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) sebagai Variabel Moderating pada Tenaga Pendidik SMK Swasta Kota Salatiga. Dalam penelitian ini Organization Citizenship ...
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Irfan Helmy
Pág. 181 - 191
Ditengah persaingan bisnis yang tinggi, lembaga keuangan mikro perlu mempertahankan karyawan yang berprestasi untuk tetap bertahan di perusahaan. Oleh karena itu manajemen perlu merumuskan strategi yang mampu meningkatkan komitmen organisasi karyawan. Pe...
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Irma Febrianty
Pág. 103 - 108
The difference in pond area owned by catfish cultivators will result in differences in pond management so that the wider the pond, the more manpower needed and the worker specifications required by the cultivators. The purpose of this research is to see ...
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Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, Candra Wijayangka, Hanansa R Dabinda, Salma Aprilia
Pág. 22 - 29
This research was conducted to determine the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) before and after obtaining financing from syariah financial institutions (case study: MSMEs around the Dayeuhkolot market). This study uses a quantita...
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Purwanto Purwanto,Wahyu Rusdiyanto,Yudit Ayu Respati
Pág. 44 - 55
Abstract: This paper aimed to identify and formulate the labor market demand on works skills for secretary indicated in job advertisements. The study conducted from February to July 2019. The particular research used content analysis with a qualitat...
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