Vedran Krevh, Jannis Groh, Lutz Weihermüller, Lana Filipovic, Jasmina Defterdarovic, Zoran Kovac, Ivan Magdic, Boris Lazarevic, Thomas Baumgartl and Vilim Filipovic
Soil heterogeneities can impact hillslope hydropedological processes (e.g., portioning between infiltration and runoff), creating a need for in-depth knowledge of processes governing water dynamics and redistribution. The presented study was conducted at...
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S. Polyzos and G. Tzabiras
The present work describes a simplified Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach in order to calculate the propulsive performance of a ship moving at steady forward speed in head seas. The proposed method combines experimental data concerning the adde...
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Norimah Said,Norazmir Md Nor,Siti Sabariah,Siti Khuzaimah
Pág. 140 - 146
This article aims to present the conceptual framework for the Intervention Health Educational Module and C.H.A.N.G.E design on Childhood Obesity Management for School Health Nurses towards obese school children. Social Cognitive theory, Urie Bronfenbrenn...
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Angelo Nicotra, Demetrio Antonio Zema, Daniela D?Agostino and Santo Marcello Zimbone
The exploitation of water flows in collective irrigation networks is promising in view of enhancing renewable energy production in agriculture. To this goal, a simplified method to estimate the electricity production of small hydro power (SHP) plants int...
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Parvathy Chandrasekhar, Janis Kreiselmeier, Andreas Schwen, Thomas Weninger, Stefan Julich, Karl-Heinz Feger and Kai Schwärzel
Surface soil structure is sensitive to natural and anthropogenic impacts that alter soil hydraulic properties (SHP). These alterations have distinct consequences on the water cycle. In this review, we summarized published findings on the quantitative eff...
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Martina Zelenáková, Rastislav Fijko, Daniel Constantin Diaconu and Iveta Remenáková
Currently an international topic?not only among the members of the European Union?is the use of renewable energy, such as hydro power. The subject of this paper is the environmental impact assessment of the small hydropower (SHP) plant. The paper identif...
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Beate Scharfetter, Marco van Dijk
The Department of Energy?s ?new household electrification strategy? allows for any appropriate and affordable technology option to be applied towards achieving South Africa?s non-grid electrification target of 300 000 households over the period 2014 to 2...
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Maria Raquel Kanieski,Franklin Galvão,Fidel Alejandro Roig,Paulo Cesar Botosso
Pág. 1201 - 1215
Em uma área da Floresta Ombrófila Mista Aluvial impactada por vazamento de óleo bruto no município de Araucária - PR, Brasil, conduziu-se o estudo dendroecológico de Sebastiania commersoniana (Baill.) L.B.Sm. & Downs (Euphorbiaceae) e da espécie exótica ...
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Gang Li, Chen-Xi Liu, Sheng-Li Liao and Chun-Tian Cheng
Forecasting long-term power production of small hydropower (SHP) plants is of great significance for coordinating with large-medium hydropower (LHP) plants. Accurate forecasting can solve the problems of waste-water and abandoned electricity and ensure t...
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Carlos César Santejo Saiani, Rudinei Toneto Júnior, Juscelino Dourado
O principal objetivo do artigo foi verificar a relação entre a desigualdade de acesso aos serviços de saneamento ambiental e a renda dos domicílios. Além disso, foi analisado se a desigualdade de acesso é influenciada por outras variáveis relacionadas à ...
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