Raymundus I Wayan Ray
Pág. 32 - 52
Ria Angin,Putri Robiatul Adawiyah
Pág. 140 - 158
This article's main focus research result is on the unpredictable public service in Covid-19 pandemic as a factor in the quick digitization of public services. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the Population and Civil Registry Office of Situbondo Regency...
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Hartawan Hartawan,Dedy Prastyowicaksono
Pág. p.129 - 135
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan memberikan bukti secara empiris pengaruh Lokasi, Promosi, dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas nasabah UPK DAPM Kabupaten Sragen melalui Kepuasan nasabah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 1...
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Ketut Mia Tiara, Trianadewi Trianadewi, Doni Tirtayasa
Pág. 68 - 73
This study plans to determine the relationship between store layout, product variety, product design and service quality on repurchase interest at Zero Outlet Singaraja. The information checking strategy used in this exploration is Structural Equation Mo...
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Rin Rin Riyanti, Kokom Komariah, Erry Sunarya
Pág. 1273 - 1283
The research was aimed atdeterminating Influences service quality toward customer loyalty during the Covid-19 pandemic with case Studies to Matahari Departement Store Costumers of Sukabumi City throgh the mediation of Costumer Trust. The research method ...
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Idcha Bey Hutabarat, Nurmaidah Ginting, Erlita Julianti Sinaga, Florentina Putri Indah Garamba
Pág. 1392 - 1398
This research has the purpose of knowing the influence of Price, Product Quality, and Service Quality on Customer Purchase Decisions partially and simultaneously at PT Probesco Disatama, The research population is all customers of PT Probesco Disatama co...
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Jusni Jusni, Economics and Business Faculty, Hasanuddin University Andi Aswan, Economics and Business Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia Gunawan Baharuddin, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia Hafizah Abdul Rahim, Faculty of Applied and Human SciencesUniversiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia 10.21831/economia.v18i2.52330
Pág. 274 - 288
AbstractThe study seeks how the Regional Development Banks operating in South and West Sulawesi maintain and attract depositors by evaluating the deposit products and banking service quality that have an impact on depositors' satisfaction. The study coll...
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Dhita Adriani Rangkuti, Mey Monita Lestari Manalu, Sartika Nanda Lestari, Brian Robuli, Irfan Boy Samosir
Pág. 673 - 679
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect oprice, service quality, and customer relationship management on the purchase decision of Asuransi Astra Garda OtoMedan, JL.ImanBonjol. The data used are primary data obtained from the ans...
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Maria Nona Dince, Yoseph Darius Purnama Rangga
Pág. 203 - 213
This study aimed to determine the effect of taxpayer awareness, taxpayer income level, taxpayer sanctions, taxpayer knowledge level and service quality on mandatory compliance. The research method used is a quantitative method and a survey approach. The ...
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Nurul Badriyah,Edi Wibowo,Sumaryanto Sumaryanto
Pág. p.227 - 240
Pelaku usaha rumah makan harus mempunyai keunggulan bersaing dalam upaya meningkatkan loyalitaspelanggan agar dapat meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup rumah makan. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah menganalisis perngaruh kualitas produk terhada...
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