Jaime Sieres, Ignacio Ortega, Fernando Cerdeira, Estrella Álvarez and José M. Santos
The seasonal performance of a heat pump indicates its average performance during the heating and/or cooling season, taking into account the different energy demands and their variability over time. Several European and international regulations and polic...
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Marta Umbert, Nina Hoareau, Jordi Salat, Joaquín Salvador, Sébastien Guimbard, Estrella Olmedo and Carolina Gabarró
The Vendée Globe is the world?s most famous solo, non-stop, unassisted sailing race. The Institute of Marine Sciences and the Barcelona Ocean Sailing Foundation installed a MicroCAT on the One Ocean One Planet boat. The skipper, Dídac Costa, completed th...
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Estrella Lucena-Sánchez, Guido Sciavicco and Ionel Eduard Stan
Air quality modelling that relates meteorological, car traffic, and pollution data is a fundamental problem, approached in several different ways in the recent literature. In particular, a set of such data sampled at a specific location and during a spec...
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Damianus Abun, Marlene T Nicolas, Estrella Apollo, Theogenia Magallanes, Mary Joy Encarnacion
Pág. 01 - 15
Marcos G. Sotillo, Francisco Campuzano, Karen Guihou, Pablo Lorente, Estrella Olmedo, Ania Matulka, Flavio Santos, María Aránzazu Amo-Baladrón and Antonio Novellino
River freshwater contribution in the European Atlantic margin and its influence on the sea salinity field are analyzed. The impacts of using a new river discharge database as part of the freshwater forcing in a regional ocean model are assessed. Ocean mo...
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Fernando Atique,Giorgia Burattini Saad Medeiros da Silva
Pág. 1 - 21
Aborda-se, historicamente, o Parque Estrella, loteamento projetado pelo engenheiro/agrimensor José Ciampitti para a Companhia Melhoramentos deGuarulhos Ltda em 1926. Até as primeiras décadas do século XX, Guarulhos era compreendida por três polos de asse...
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Cristina Rodríguez Luque, José Antonio Alonso Fernández, José María Legorburu
Pág. 15 - 22
La digitalización está transformando la radio, al igual que al resto de medios de comunicación. Independientemente de las innovaciones que está introduciendo en las rutinas productivas o en la calidad de sonido, uno de los cambios más significativos radi...
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T. Iori,S. Poretti
Pág. e282
Todos los trabajos de Nervi llevan el sello de sus cualidades únicas como ingeniero.Al mismo tiempo, siempre estuvieron estrechamente relacionados con las condiciones culturales y sociales, tanto a nivel nacional como mun-dial, que cambiaron considerable...
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F. Pavía Alemany,T. Rodríguez-Estrella
Pág. 79 - 91
Romeo Mendez-Estrella, Jose Raul Romo-Leon and Alejandro E. Castellanos