M. Imam Arifandy,Hariyadi Hariyadi,Soeryo Adiwibowo
Pág. 199 - 206
Indonesian Sustainability Palm Oil (ISPO) is requirement for palm oil private business in the effort to preserve the environment, increase economic activities, and social activities of the community. The environmental management conducted by the company ...
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Marike Mahmud,Fitryane Lihawa,Beby Banteng,Frice Desei,Yanti Saleh
Pág. 235 - 240
This study aims to identify mercury concentrations in head hair and its effect on public health at the traditional gold mining. The study was conducted at the gold mining, Buladu Village, North Gorontalo Regency. Samples were taken randomly from human he...
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Marina Silalahi,Nisyawati Nisyawati,Ria Anggraeni
Pág. 241 - 250
The Batak Toba sub-ethnic is an indegenous tribe in Sumatra Island, who has local knowledge of using plants as food (edible plants). This study aims to (1) document the non-cultivated plants used by Batak Toba sub-ethnic as edible plants; (2) compare the...
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Aditya Nugraha,Surjono H. Sutjahjo,Akhmad Arif Amin
Pág. 7 - 14
Population growth and changes in consumption pattern have increased the municipal waste volume in DKI Jakarta. Waste management issue has been more formidable after the government has failed to overcome the situation with sufficient waste management faci...
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Husamah Husamah,Atok Miftachul Hudha
Pág. 86 - 95
Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) is a new ecotourism destination managed by a community group called 'Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru'. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the 5 principles of Community-based Ecotourism in the management of CMC,...
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Ida Ayu Oka Martini,A.A.N Eddy Supriyadinatha Gorda,A.A.N. Oka Suryadinatha Gorda,Desak Made Febri Purnama Sari
Pág. 267 - 283
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the regeneration of endek weaving craftsmen in Klungkung, Bali. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The research location is in Klungkung, Bali. The technique of collecting data through i...
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Elyta Elyta,Jamaliah Jamaliah,Mohammad Zaki Ahmad
Pág. 2 - 45
Entrepreneurship is an economic activity carried out by the community on a small to medium scale. Entrepreneurship can involve the community to strengthen the community's economy through income obtained from entrepreneurial products made. However, there ...
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Riska Nanda Allay, Dadan Ahmad Fadili
Pág. 1 - 9
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh bukti-bukti empirik dan menemukan kejelasan dari fenomena serta kesimpulan tentang pengaruh variabel Citra Merek dan Harga terhadap Minat Beli Smartphone realme di Kecamatan Telukjambe Timur Kabupaten Karawang. V...
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Rika Yuli Wulansari, Nurul Fadhilah, Miftakhul Huda, Ahmad Zainal Abidin, Agus Eko Sujianto
Pág. 82 - 95
Kemiskinan menjadi probematika kompleks di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Tingginya angka kemiskinan mengakibatkan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat mengalami penurunan sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lambat. Adapun beberapa indikat...
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Oda Ignatius Besar Hariyanto, Shintia Dewi
Pág. 137 - 150
Beberapa mall terkenal di Kota Batam sering dikunjungi oleh pengunjung karena memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap dengan kualitas yang baik. Ada juga Mall dengan fasilitas yang kurang memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengunjungnya, sehingga memberikan pengalaman y...
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