Paulo Henrique Dias Barbosa,Antônio Carlos Lôla da Costa,Alan Cavalcanti da Cunha,João de Athaydes Silva Junior
O estudo de clima urbano na Região Amazônica é recente e apresenta atual relevância porque explica algumas das complexas mudanças ambientais envolvidas, destacando-se o consequente desequilíbrio físico dos sistemas solo-planta-atmosfera. Destacam-se a re...
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Beatriz da Silva Pereira, Viviane Theiss, Rogério João Lunkes, Darci Schnorrenberger, Valdirene Gasparetto
Pág. 5 - 24
El objetivo de este estudio es constatar la relación que existe entre las características observables de los directores ejecutivos de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo y el sueldo que reciben. Para esto, se analizó la informaci...
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Gabriel Donadio Costa, Fabricia Silva da Rosa, Rogério João Lunkes
Pág. 94 - 108
El presente estudio analiza la relación entre características demográficas / laborales de gestores de primer nivel y su tolerancia o aversión al riesgo corporativo. A partir de la base de datos Amadeus - Bureau van Dijk se recopilar datos de 10...
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Sergio Luis Dias Doliveira,Zandra Balbinot,Adriana Queiroz Silva,João Carlos Da Cunha,Edson Luis Kuzma
Pág. 53 - 74
Julianno Amorim; João de Abreu e Silva
Pág. 21 - 40
Although issues of equity and accessibility have already been addressed in transportation, especially with regard to the distribution of costs and benefits, there is no consensus on which concept and metric of fairness would be most appropriate for the e...
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João N. Ribeiro da Silva, Tiago A. Santos and Angelo P. Teixeira
This paper develops a methodology to estimate ship emissions using Automatic Identification System data (AIS). The methodology includes methods for AIS message decoding and ship emission estimation based on the ship?s technical and operational characteri...
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Laura Guimarães, António Paulo Carvalho, Pedro Ribeiro, Cláudia Teixeira, Nuno Silva, André Pereira, João Amorim and Luís Oliva-Teles
Triops longicaudatus is a crustacean typically inhabiting temporary freshwater bodies in regions with a Mediterranean climate. These crustaceans are easily maintained in the laboratory and show a set of biological features that make them good candidates ...
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Dthenifer Cordeiro Santana, Gustavo de Faria Theodoro, Ricardo Gava, João Lucas Gouveia de Oliveira, Larissa Pereira Ribeiro Teodoro, Izabela Cristina de Oliveira, Fábio Henrique Rojo Baio, Carlos Antonio da Silva Junior, Job Teixeira de Oliveira and Paulo Eduardo Teodoro
Using multispectral sensors attached to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can assist in the collection of morphological and physiological information from several crops. This approach, also known as high-throughput phenotyping, combined with data processin...
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Teresa R. Freitas, João A. Santos, Ana P. Silva and Helder Fraga
Climate change is one of the most emergent environmental challenges, with rising global temperatures, changes in precipitation regimes, and an increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Climate change impacts on the agrarian sector are ...
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Janai Pereira de Albuquerque, João Paulo Ribeiro-Oliveira, João Bosco de Oliveira-Júnior, Frederico Henrique da Silva Costa and Edvaldo Aparecido Amaral da Silva
Sample size fluctuation and the restriction of measurements that demonstrate kinetics (typical of physiological processes) are two of the largest inferential constraints in studies on embryonic development in vitro. Thus, we hypothesize that a practical ...
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