Xianyun Xu, Huifang Chen and Lei Xie
This work can used in location privacy preservation in internet of vehicles.
Hosam Alrahhal, Mohamad Shady Alrahhal, Razan Jamous and Kamal Jambi
Location-based services (LBS) form the main part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and have received a significant amount of attention from the research community as well as application users due to the popularity of wireless devices and the daily growth i...
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Zulkarnain Nasution, Khairul Rizal, Junita Lubis
Pág. 44 - 53
The household is the smallest unit in society, so it can be said that household income means community income. This study aims to determine the determination of the variable income, economic activity, and household members, as well as differences in the ...
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Yongwen Du, Gang Cai, Xuejun Zhang, Ting Liu and Jinghua Jiang
With the rapid development of GPS-equipped smart mobile devices and mobile computing, location-based services (LBS) are increasing in popularity in the Internet of Things (IoT). Although LBS provide enormous benefits to users, they inevitably introduce s...
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Mulugeta Kassaw Tefera and Xiaolong Yang
The wide-ranging application of location-based services (LBSs) through the use of mobile devices and wireless networks has brought about many critical privacy challenges. To preserve the location privacy of users, most existing location privacy-preservin...
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Dane Bax,Mihalis G. Chasomeris
AbstractOrientation: Residential property is an important segment of the property market in South Africa. Residential property transactions are typically infrequent and relate to a highly differentiated set of items making measurement techniques com...
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Min-Uk Kim, Kyong Whan Moon, Jong-Ryeul Sohn and Sang-Hoon Byeon
We studied sensitive weather variables for consequence analysis, in the case of chemical leaks on the user side of offsite consequence analysis (OCA) tools. We used OCA tools Korea Offsite Risk Assessment (KORA) and Areal Location of Hazardous Atmosphere...
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