Hugo Queiroz Abonizio, Janaina Ignacio de Morais, Gabriel Marques Tavares and Sylvio Barbon Junior
Online Social Media (OSM) have been substantially transforming the process of spreading news, improving its speed, and reducing barriers toward reaching out to a broad audience. However, OSM are very limited in providing mechanisms to check the credibili...
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Scott Alan CARSON
Pág. 219 - 221
Jahír Alexánder Gutiérrez Ossa,Gleidy Alexandra Urrego Estrada,Jefferson Carmona Maldonado
Pág. 251 - 269
The present article approaches two aspects of public policy. On the one hand, we have social emergence, the institutional and economic crisis in some Latin American countries, as well as its complex and systematic structure. On the other, it looks at the...
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Deissy Motta Castaño. Policía Nacional, Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, Colombia
Pág. 210 - 219
El debate en la aplicación de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales ha pretendido construir desde diferentes perspectivas una explicación plausible para lograr su efectividad a través de la reglamentación de estos derechos en las políticas públi...
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Martin Lacný
Pág. 74 - 83
The article presents a reflection on the structure of values functioning as motivators of economic behaviour. Considering the principle of rational egoism the author describes three segments of crucial values, which seem to be fundamental, as a ...
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Rodney D'Souza, Bruce Kemelgor
Pág. 51 - 68
Aldrich, H. (1999). Organizations Evolving. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications, London.Abelson, R.P. & Black, J.B. (1986). Introduction. In: J.A. Galambos, R.P. Abelson, and J.B. Black (Eds.), Knowledge Structures. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate...
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José Luis Carrillo Barradas
El presente trabajo es una versión abreviada de la tesis doctoral presentada dentro del Programa Conjunto de Doctorado la ETSAM-UPM y la Universidad Veracruzana (DAU-1) (Xalapa-Veracruz; México); incluye modificaciones que el autor incorpora de la defens...
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