Bojan Ðurin, Lucija Plantak, Ognjen Bonacci and Fabio Di Nunno
Forecasting upstream flow amount based on downstream flow values is a new way of managing flood risk. This kind of prediction of the flow, size, and intensity of rivers in the alluvial aquifers is, in most cases, a challenging task due to climate change,...
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Tao Li, Yuesong Tang, Lianghui Li, Haoyu Hu, Zheng Li, Jiqing He and Bochao An
Taking the 14,030 panel of Zhaogu No. 2 coal mine as its research object, this paper studies the evolution characteristics of the developing height, propagation track and caving arch shape of water-flowing fractures under the influence of thick alluvium ...
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Shilong Peng, Zhijun Li, Yuhao Xu and Guangyong Cao
The study of deep soil mechanics is the basis of deep shaft construction. Exploring the nonlinear permeability mechanism of deep confined aquifers in depth is the prerequisite and foundation for carrying out calculations of the hydrophobic consolidation ...
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Vesna Nikolic Jokanovic, Du?an Jokanovic, Radovan Savic, Tijana Vulevic, Aleksandar Andjelkovic, Katarina Lazarevic, Ranka Kovacevic and Natalija Momirovic
In the spacious inundation area on the left bank of the lower course of the Sava River in Serbia, there is an abandoned meander Special Nature Reserve, ?Obedska bara?, which represents a very important floodplain in this part of Europe. This area is char...
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Yihong Zhu, Mingming Wu, Gangping Zhang, Jianlin Yu, Qiliang Xu, Riqing Xu and Tianci Yu
The deformation behavior of deep excavations is affected by many factors, among which the geological conditions are greatly affected. Hangzhou Bay is affected by marine siltation and river alluvium, and the geological conditions within the urban area of ...
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Anggie Susilawati, Mochtar Niode, Mamay Surmayadi, Prihandhanu Mukti Pratomo, Nurhasan, Enjang Jaenal Mustopa, Doddy Sutarno and Wahyu Srigutomo
Limboto Lake?Pentadio area is located in the province of Gorontalo on the northern arm of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, which experienced a tectonic process from the Sula Platform collision in the mid-Miocene. This tectonic process led to the westward subd...
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Abdelrahman Khalifa, Bashar Bashir, Ziyadin Çakir, Sinasi Kaya, Abdullah Alsalman and Ahmed Henaish
A principal and independent component analysis (PCA and ICA) and a minimum noise fraction analysis (MNFA) were applied in this study to Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images along the Adiyaman fault zone in Eastern Turkey. These analyses indicat...
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Barry J. Hibbs and Mercedes Merino
Identification of recharge areas in arid basins is challenging due to spatial and temporal variability and complexity of the hydrogeology. This study re-evaluates recharge mechanism in a desert basin where isotopic and geologic data indicated that publis...
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Andrew Watson, Eric W. Peterson, Dave Malone and Lisa Tranel
To characterize the distribution of Holocene and Late Quaternary deposits and to assess the contamination potential of the Mahomet Aquifer, surficial geologic and aquifer sensitivity maps of the Gibson City East 7.5-Minute Quadrangle were created. Geolog...
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Asrillah Asrillah, Marwan Marwan, Umar Muksin, Rusydy Ibnu, Sasaki Takao, Furumoto Yoshinori, Minami Yuichiro and Hikime Chisa
The Aceh and Seulimeum Faults flank the Krueng Aceh Basin in Indonesia, and the shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure of the basin is not extensively available. Understanding the Vs structure is very important in order to figure out how the basin structures...
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