Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Benito Umaña Hermosilla,Nataly Guiñez Cabrera,Daniela Muñoz Silva,Caterin Mardones Lagos
Pág. 33 - 44
The ability to manage personal finances has become increasingly important when assessing savings and bank loans alternatives. However, different studies have shown that young people have not received a good financial education. This study determined both...
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Nataly Guiñez Cabrera,Edinson Cornejo Saavedra
Pág. 73 - 84
Strong competitiveness in the wine industry are a matter of permanent concern for wineries, which react producing more sophisticated and higher quality products. Nevertheless, they set aside a relevant aspect such as the market segmentation. This explora...
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Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Benito Umaña Hermosilla, Nataly Guiñez Cabrera, Daniela Muñoz Silva, Caterin Mardones Lagos
Pág. 33 - 44
La capacidad de gestión de las finanzas personales se ha vuelto cada vez más importante para evaluar alternativas de ahorro y de crédito. No obstante, diferentes estudios han mostrado que los jóvenes no han recibido una buena educación en temas financier...
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Edison Cornejo Saavedra,Nataly Guiñez Cabrera
Pág. 57 - 70