Giovanni Andrea Casula, Giacomo Muntoni, Paolo Maxia and Giorgio Montisci
A printed log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) for DVB-T2 Digital TV applications, covering the whole DVB-T2 UHF band from Channel 21 to Channel 69 (470 MHz?860 MHz), is presented. The presented antenna offers a compact size and a lower cost compared to both...
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Angela M. Vargas-Arcila, Julian A. Caicedo-Muñoz, Felipe Estrada-Solano, Carlos González-Amarillo, Armando Ordonez and Jose L. Arciniegas
The educational model faced unprecedented changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the remote communication between teachers and learners was affected due to either the lack of or a poor Internet connection at home. Hence, television facilita...
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Ernes Cahyo Nugroho,Erni Widarti,Neira Anjar Pujisusilo,Bayu Adi Catur
Pág. HAL. 33 - 42
STMIK AUB Surakarta telah memanfaatkan media website sebagai sarana penyampaian informasi. Namun dalam lingkungan internal masih menggunakan cara konvensional dengan menempel lembar pengumuman pada papan informasi yang tersedia, masih banyak informasi at...
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Antonio Navarro, Pedro Mostardinha, Tiago Varum, Joao Matos and Stanislav Maslovski
Although Yagi?Uda antenna is more than 80 years old and is still globally the most used antenna for TV reception, we believe that there is still room for improvement. This article discusses a new antenna design for application in terrestrial TV broadcast...
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Branimir Jaksic, Dragisa Miljkovic, Vladimir Maksimovic, Mile Petrovic, Branko Gvozdic
Pág. e44957
This paper considers the characteristics of satellite television transmission in the world. An overview of the development of satellite television is given through the following characteristics: broadcasting systems - analog and digital (SDTV, HDTV, UHDT...
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Nita SupartiniArifah A. RiyantoKuswandy A. MarfuSri Nurhayati
Pág. 242 - 253
The rapid progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accompanied by easy access to social media, especially by minors who are easily exposed to information that has a negative impact on the character of children. Therefore, the involvemen...
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Deni Darmawan,Edi Suryadi,Dinn Wahyudin
Pág. pp. 30 - 46
This study focuses on smart digital for mobile communication through television streaming. It makes use of the television station located in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) which requires further development. In 2017, research was carried out to d...
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Loredana IVAN,Ioana SCHIAU
Pág. 423 - 447
This report discusses descriptive results of the Computer Assisted Telephone based Survey (CATI) conducted in Romania in December 2016. The present survey is part of the international project Cross-National Longitudinal Study: Older Audiences in the Digi...
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Leidy Marian Rujano Molina, Rosenda Márquez Rodríguez, Edwyn Ramón Rangel G., Tawny Priscillia Pérez Di Santis, Nelson A. Pérez García
Pág. 4 - 25
Entre los servicios de telecomunicaciones de mayor demanda entre los usuarios está el de televisión digital vía satélite. Entre sus ventajas están la variedad de programación con la que se cuenta en el mencionado servicio y la relativa fácil instalación ...
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Kelly Ferreira
Pág. 78 - 90
Este estudo pretende analisar a TV digital no Brasil, que já foi implementada em algumas cidades, mas ainda não está com todas suas propostas de funções ativas. O desenvolvimento das tecnologias da comunicação, no caso a mudança da plataforma da TV para ...
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