14   Artículos

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Augustus Aturinde and Ali Mansourian    
While COVID-19 is a global pandemic, different countries have experienced different morbidity and mortality patterns. We employ retrospective and prospective space?time permutation analysis on COVID-19 positive records across different municipalities in ... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Javier Alayón, Sara Girón, José A. Romero-Odero and Francisco J. Nieves    
In Hispania (present-day Spain and Portugal), there are 25 structures documented of classical Roman open-air theatres, of which 10 are in the south, in the Roman Baetica (Andalusia). The Baetica embraced the progress of urbanisation in the time of the Ro... ver más
Revista: Acoustics    Formato: Electrónico

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João Gonsalo de Moura,Eden do Carmo Soares Júnior,Alan Vasconcelos dos Santos,Ricardo Zimbrão Affonso de Paula,César Augustus Labre Lemos de Freitas     Pág. 347 - 365
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar o status da gestão das receitas próprias nos municípios maranhenses, identificando alguns elementos explicativos que possam ser associados a uma boa gestão fiscal no âmbito municipal. Recorrendo ao uso da análi... ver más
Revista: Revista de PolÍ­ticas Públicas    Formato: Electrónico

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Carlos Pinto da Silva Neto,Humberto Alves Barbosa,Cesar Augustus Assis Beneti     Pág. 343 - 358
Moisture and instability, along with a triggering mechanism, are the main keys of deep convective storms initiation and evolution. Satellite data can provide indirect measurements of instability and moisture of a wide area in short periods of time. This ... ver más
Revista: Atmósfera    Formato: Electrónico

usuarios registrados
Augustus C. Resurreccion, Per Moldrup, Ken Kawamoto, Shoichiro Hamamoto, Dennis E. Rolston, and Toshiko Komatsu     Pág. 481 - 491

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Francois P. Retief, Louise C. Cilliers     Pág. 39 - 47
Claudius, fourth Caesar of the Roman Empire, proved himself an able administrator, but physically and emotionally handicapped from birth. His parents, members of the imperial family, considered him mentally de?cient and he was isolated from the ge... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

usuarios registrados
Resurreccion, Augustus C., Kawamoto, Ken, Komatsu, Toshiko, Moldrup, Per, Sato, Kuniaki, Rolston, Dennis E.     Pág. 432 - 443
Revista: SOIL SCIENCE    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Augustus C. Resurreccion; Ken Kawamoto; Toshiko Komatsu; Per Moldrup; Noriatsu Ozaki; Dennis E. Rolston     Pág. 3
Revista: SOIL SCIENCE    Formato: Impreso

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