Aditya Nugraha,Surjono H. Sutjahjo,Akhmad Arif Amin
Pág. 7 - 14
Population growth and changes in consumption pattern have increased the municipal waste volume in DKI Jakarta. Waste management issue has been more formidable after the government has failed to overcome the situation with sufficient waste management faci...
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Kouadio Kouamé Jean Olivier, Dibi Brou, Mangoua oi Mangoua Jules, Eblin Sampah Georges, Paran Frédéric and Graillot Didier
Determination of groundwater recharge is a major challenge in areas where rainfall is generally abundant. Variability and uncertainty are inherent in the estimation of recharge, and several methods are therefore recommended for its estimation at a region...
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Denny Meisandy Hutauruk
Pág. 9 - 16
Saat ini, permasalahan sampah semakin mengkhawatirkan, bahkan hingga dalam skala global. Di Indonesia, tercatat peningkatan timbunan sampah hingga 64 juta ton/tahun pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan pembuatan paving block berbahan ...
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Zulfa Harirah MS,H. Isril,Rury Febrina
Pág. 19 - 35
The partnership in waste management carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government is not without reason. The issue of waste has become a frightening specter that if it is not immediately managed properly it will increasingly reach a tipping point. However...
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Ratna Herawati,Wisnu Sanjaya,Syah Ronny Wijaya
Pág. HAL. 68 - 75
Ruang terbuka hijau yang semakin berkurang, eksploitasi hutan secara besar-besaran, sampah-sampah semakin menumpuk ditambah dengan perubahan cuaca yang ekstrim dapat memicu terjadinya bencana alam. Salah satunya adalah banjir yang dapat menghambat aktivi...
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Dendy Rahmat Putra Bali
Pág. 1 - 10
Tahun 1999 Departemen Permukiman dan Pengembangan Wilayah mengeluarkan spesifikasi tentang Pedoman Perencanaan Campuran beraspal Panas Dengan Pendekatan Kepadatan Mutlak. Salah satu spesifikasi yang dikeluarkan adalah Asphalt Concrete ? Wearing Course (A...
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dewi Agustina Iryani
Pág. 218 - 228
Abstract. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) which is disposed to unmanaged landfill site generates the large quantities of greenhouse gas (GHG) called landfill gas. This Landfill gas is composed from various kind of gases, one of those gases is Met...
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Ernes Cahyo Nugroho,Anton Respati Pamungkas,Ika Parlina Purbaningtyas
Pág. HAL. 124 - 133
Dumpster management system on Village/Warukkalong Village, RT/RW: 05/01, Kecamatan Kwadungan, Ngawi, East Java still conventional, i.e. the place one container of trash and garbage not disposed of according the trash, which affects trash piled up on one ...
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Ivan Septiawan
Pág. 111 - 119
Produksi sampah setiap hari semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah produk dan pola konsumsi masyarakat. Masih belum optimalnya dalam pengelolaan sampah dikarenakan kurangnya pelayanan penanganan sampah, kurangnya kejelasan kelompok sasaran/...
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Puspita Octaria,Sri Mulatsih,Meti Ekayani
Pág. 122 - 127
Lampung is province in Indonesia which is trying to generate income through tourism sectors. One of them is Wira Garden Nature Park (TWA). Wira Garden is located in Bandar Lampung. Activities from tourist increasly effects increase garbage that imp...
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