9   Artículos

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Adri du Toit, Marietjie Havenga, Marthie van der Walt     Pág. 9 bladsye
The implementation of project-based learning has the potential to develop affective factors positively in students, which may foster self-directed lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is a key requirement for teachers to keep current and knowledgeab... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Christina J. van Staden     Pág. 12 bladsye
George Kuh (2008) se lys van tien hoë-impakonderwyspraktyke, wat deur die American Association for Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) onderskryf word, is vroeg 2016 aangepas om e-portefeuljes in te sluit. Hierdie toevoeging is belangrik omdat di... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Annalie Roux     Pág. 9 bladsye
Selfregulering is belangrik in die ontwikkeling van lewenslange leerders, veral by voordiensonderwysers wat op hul beurt modelleerders van selfregulering in hul eie klaskamers gaan wees. Onderrig op tersi?re vlak word grootliks gekenmerk deur trad... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Science and Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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H. J.J. Spoelstra    
AbstractOrganizational effectiveness in South Africa and Japan. Japan's extraordinary economic success of the past century makes it an excellent source of comparison with South Africa where economic success is still hampered by problems such as low produ... ver más
Revista: South African Journal of Business Management    Formato: Electrónico

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