Delgado, Mabel F; Cuba, Marely; Hechenleitner, Paulina; Thiers, Osear
PA. Pelicano, M. Divo de Sesar, N. Zamuner, J.L. Danelón, M. Yoshida
Pág. 55 - 62
The goal of this work was to establish an efficient protocol for vegetative propagation of Morus alba. At the same time this study aimed to evaluate the infl uence of this propagation protocol on the feeding of the larvae of Bombyx mori and crude silk pr...
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Adriana Yepes
Pág. 70 - 87
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Freddy Mora,Francisco Zamudio
Pág. 399 - 405
Heredabilidad en sentido estricto (h2), correlación genética intra-clase (G2IC) y componentes de varianza para la altura, diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) y volumen del fuste, a los siete años de edad después de la plantación, fueron analizados en do...
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Pág. 211 - 216
Matico (Buddleja globosa Hope) is a native shrub of Chile, whose leaves are widely used inpopular medicine due to its excellent wound- and gastric ulcer healing effects. At present it is collectedfrom the wild, resulting in an over-explotation of the nat...
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Daniel García Forero
Pág. 109 - 117
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H. Vogel, F. Schiappacasse C., M. Valenzuela S., X. Calderón B.
Pág. 21 - 26
Estudios de propagación sexual y vegetativa en Conanthera spp.