Pamela Torres Valderrama
Pág. 17
La interacción y comunicación entre los diferentes actores del entorno acuicultor tiene el potencial de desencadenar el proceso innovativo, enlazando las fortalezas de cada uno de estos: conocimiento, recursos económicos, posibilidades de mercado y polít...
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Liborio Navas, Claudia Valderrama-Ulloa, Ximena Ferrada, Jorge Contreras, Zulay Gimenez
Pág. 62 - 75
Jhon Fredy Narvaez Valderrama, Juan D. González, Jazmín Porras and Francisco J. Molina
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in water can reach levels below ppt (ng L-1), representing a challenge for risk assessment using long-term exposure. Therefore, sampling devices to monitor trace levels of organic compounds are suitable due to their s...
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Claudia Alejandra Valderrama-Ulloa, Ximena Ferrada, Fabien Rouault
Pág. e491
Francisco Villarreal-Valderrama, Patricia Zambrano-Robledo, Diana Hernandez-Alcantara and Luis Amezquita-Brooks
Turbojets require variable exhaust nozzles to fit high-demanding applications; however, few reports on nozzle control are available. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possible advantages of an exhaust gas control through a variable exhaust ...
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Pablo Canales, Claudia Valderrama-Ulloa, Ximena Ferrada
Pág. 22 - 33
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Rentería
En el presente artículo examino la trayectoria intelectual de Manuel Zapata Olivella en el proceso organizativo afrocolombiano. Sugiero que fue un intelectual comprometido. Me centraré en dos aspectos de su trayectoria. Primero, analizo cómo Manuel Zapat...
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Omar Neme-Castillo, Ana Lilia Valderrama-Santibáñez, Cesaire Chiatchoua
Pág. e - 1599
Mohsen Hesami, Jorge A. Condori-Apfata, Maria Valderrama Valencia and Mohsen Mohammadi
Optimizing in vitro shoot regeneration conditions in wheat is one of the important steps in successful micropropagation and gene transformation. Various factors such as genotypes, explants, and phytohormones affect in vitro regeneration of wheat, hinderi...
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Natalia Valderrama,Gerardo Azócar García,Francisco Juárez Rubio
Pág. 1 - 14
This research work consists in a temporal-spatial perspective analysis of the agricultural productivity of Nuble Region (Central Chile).As an indirect measurement of productivity, white wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield is analyzed in two different years (...
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