Endang Rostiana,Anggia Rodesbi
Pág. 1 - 17
Abstract: Demographic transition in Indonesia indicated by an increase in the productive age population, a decrease in the unproductive age population, and leads to a decrease in the dependency ratio. This study analyzes the relationship between dem...
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Yunita Elianda,Dian Eka Rahmawati
Pág. 99 - 113
AIDS caused by HIV is a health issue of global concern. In Indonesia, in the first quarter of 2017, the number of HIV cases was 10,376 and AIDS cases were 673. DIY is a tourism city and student city that has a high level of human movement so it is highly...
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Abdul Rosyid
Pág. 144 - 151
Tarsius lariang, also called tangkasi is one of the endemic animals which is found in Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP). The threat to the tarsius population are the limitation of the distribution area, the escalation of forests exploitation, and hunting. ...
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Dibyo Iskandar,Tri Nurdyastuti
Pág. p.37 - 44
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran lokasi, demografi dan sarana prasarana terhadap keputusan membeli rumah tinggal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, sampel yan...
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Andri Octaviani,Hanif Safika Rizky
Pág. p.59 - 69
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kualitas perguruan tinggi. 2) Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pe...
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Neny Aditina,Lilik Sugiharti 10.21831/economia.v15i2.24694
Pág. 209 - 220
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of internet technology and social demographic variables on women's decisions to work at home. Using National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) conducted in February 2018, this study observed working women aged ...
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Raja Ria Yusnita, Muhammad Abdi
Pág. 163 - 184
Angelique Kritzinger, M Potgieier, J Lemmens
Pág. 127
Hoëronderwys kom wêreldwyd voor die uitdaging van hoë uitvalsyfers te staan, wat veral ontstellend is as dit met lae deelname verband hou, soos in Suid-Afrika die geval is. Die gebruik van leeranalise om hierdie uitdaging aan te spreek, het internas...
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Sutaryat TrisnamansyahTri Jeni Fitriani
Pág. 77 - 84
Kematian ibu, bayi dan balita merupakan salah satu parameter derajat kesehatan suatu negara. Millenium Development Goals dalam tujuan 4 dan 5 mengamanatkan bahwa angka kematian balita harus mampu diturunkan menjadi 2/3 dan kematian ibu turun 3/4 pada tah...
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Basilio Carrasco, Maurice Garnier, Lafayette Eaton, Rafael Guevara, Margarita Carú
Pág. 229 - 238
Random Amplifi ed Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 587 individuals, belonging to 22 populations of Nothofagus nervosa that were distributed through the Coastal (38°S to 41°S) and Andes Mountains in Central- S...
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