Gianluca Reali and Mauro Femminella
Network caching is a technique used to speed-up user access to frequently requested contents in complex data networks. This paper presents a two-layer overlay network caching system for content distribution. It is used to define some caching scenarios wi...
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Aswar Annas,Zaldi Rusnaedy
Pág. 117 - 128
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menaganalisis evaluasi kebijakan tata ruang dan bangunan reklamasi Pantai Metro Tanjung Bunga Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menganalisis dari tiga perspektif, yaitu: strategi pemerataan, efektivitas, dan respon...
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Juan M. Parreño-Castellano, Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, Maite Armengol-Martín, Tanausú Pérez García and Jordi Boldú Hernández
At the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008, the number of foreclosures and evictions increased dramatically in Spain. The severe economic situation and the lack of mitigation measures by public institutions seemed to be the main causes. However, the...
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María José Piñeira-Mantiñán, Francisco R. Durán-Villa and José Taboada-Failde
The economic crisis and post-crisis austerity policies have had harmful effects on urban spaces, mainly in those neighborhoods that have historically been characterized by their vulnerability (social problems, long-term unemployment, low incomes, immigra...
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Jinsheng Zhang, Qiumao Ma, Wensheng Zhang and Daji Qiao
This paper proposes TSKT-oblivious RAM (ORAM), an efficient multi-server ORAM construction, to protect a client?s access pattern to outsourced data. TSKT-ORAM organizes each of the server storages as a k-ary tree and adopts XOR-based private information ...
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Lavinia Elisa Berliana, Amin Pujiati
Pág. 264 - 272
Tujuan yang akan dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mendorong masyarakat mendirikan dan menghuni permukiman liar, menganalisis solusi yang diberikan Pemerintah sebagai kebijakan penanganan permukiman liar di Sempadan Banji...
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Raya, M.; Papadimitratos, P.; Aad, I.; Jungels, D.; Hubaux, J.-P.
Pág. 1557 - 1568