Yeon Moon Choo, Deok Jun Jo, Gwan Seon Yun and Eui Hoon Lee
Frequent localized torrential rains, excessive population density in urban areas, and increased impervious areas have led to massive flood damage that has been causing overloading of drainage systems (watersheds, reservoirs, drainage pump sites, etc.). F...
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Jong-Ho Choi, Kye-Won Jun and Chang-Deok Jang
Bed-load discharge of a river can be monitored by indirectly measuring the acoustic pulses generated when the bed load collides with a steel pipe installed on the riverbed (i.e., pipe hydrophone measurement). However, existing methods used for filtering ...
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Jun-Yong Park, Deok-Young Sohn and Yun-Ho Choi
As the demand for electrical energy increases worldwide, the amounts of harmful gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuel, are continuously increasing. As a result, the interest in renewable energy resources has been...
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Eui Hoon Lee, Joong Hoon Kim, Yeon Moon Choo and Deok Jun Jo
Imperviousness has increased due to urbanization, as has the frequency of extreme rainfall events by climate change. Various countermeasures, such as structural and nonstructural measures, are required to prepare for these effects. Flood forecasting is a...
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