Nataliya Shevchuk and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
Green information systems (IS) is a research domain that contributes to finding solutions for fostering environmental behavior in individuals, organizations, and communities. So far, researching Green IS for individual users has been less abundant and re...
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Leila Sadat Rezai, Jessie Chin, Reicelis Casares-Li, Fan He, Rebecca Bassett-Gunter and Catherine Burns
Background: Many behaviour-change technologies have been designed to help people with a sedentary lifestyle to become more physically active. However, challenges exist in designing systems that work effectively. One of the key challenges is that many of ...
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Danny Oldenhave,Jos Sauren,Theo van der Weide,Stijn Hoppenbrouwers
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Introducing new technology within an organization requires a change in its employees' ways of working and thinking. Such a change is necessary to increase the adoption of the technology. The main issue is that employees do not sufficiently grow with inno...
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