Dedi Rusdi,Indri Kartika,Maya Indriastuti
Pág. 81 - 90
Abstract: This study examined the role of good corporate governance and investment opportunity set in maintaining firm performance. This study's sample population comprised 240 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016...
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Sheyla Salima Oktabrina, Komala Inggarwati
Pág. 1051 - 1066
This study aims to determine the effect of Investment Opportunity Set and Managerial Ownership to Firm Value through Debt Policy as Intervening Variable at Manufacture Company. The sample in this study were 27 companies from sub-sector Industrials. Stage...
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Darmawan Darmawan,Edrich Molla
Pág. 23 - 37
The purpose of the study, The research objective was to To find out the differences in funding decisions between companies that have high growth potential and companies that have low growth potential. Research is a quantitative study. Mean difference tes...
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Fauzi Thalib,Herdiyana Herdiyana,Ayi Wahid
Pág. 87 - 95
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, investment opportunity set, profitability, and sales growth to the level of debt (leverage) on real estate and property companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exch...
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Endri Endri,Bob Mustafa,Oscar Rynandi
Pág. 96 - 104
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, investment opportunity set, profitability, and sales growth to the level of debt (leverage) on real estate and property companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exch...
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Nanang Agus Suyono
Pág. 105 - 113
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Pengaruh profitabilitas terhadap Ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap dividend payout ratio.(2) Pengaruh free cash flow terhadap dividend payout ratio. (3) Pengaruh investment opportunity se...
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Mrs Marheni
Pág. 84 - 98
The aims of this study were to analyze the influence of disclosure policy, funding policy, dividend policy on IOS and to analyze the difference of IOS influence on disclosure policy, fund policy and dividend policy in the company grow and not grow. The p...
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Jonathan Fletcher
This study uses the Bayesian approach to examine the incremental contribution of stock characteristics to the investment opportunity set in U.K. stock returns. The paper finds that size, book-to-market (BM) ratio, and momentum characteristics all make a ...
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Lea Heinrich, Wolfgang H. Schulz, Isabella Geis
Pág. 269 - 271
Transport systems are marked by a strong path dependency due to habits, infrastructure, and market rigidities. This path dependency result is challenging for innovative solutions as they face unexpected barriers, but also abrupt acceleration once the bar...
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John Muteba Mwamba
This paper investigates the persistence of hedge fund managers skills during periods of boom and/or recession. We consider a data set of monthly investment strategy indices published by Hedge Fund Research group. The data set spans from January 1995 to J...
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