Alberto Gurovich
En los momentos en que concluía la edición del número 18 de Revista de Urbanismo en mayo de 2008, se inauguraba la Central Hidroeléctrica de Puclaro, ubicada a los pies del embalse del mismo nombre, situado en el valle de río Elqui (Región de Coquimbo), ...
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Laécio Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Antonio de Barros Serra and Francisco Airton Silva
Following the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Space (IoS), we are now approaching IoP (Internet of People), or the Internet of Individuals, with the integration of chips inside people that link to other chips and the Internet. Low latency is...
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Gabriel Barros Bordignon,Jacinta Francisco Dias,Alefe Abraão da Silva dos Santos
Pág. 104 - 130
O presente artigo investiga a questão da informalidade urbana no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 em Moçambique e Brasil através de um diálogo entre as cidades de Pemba (Cabo Delgado) e Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro), que revela a grande disparidade so...
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Gizelly Cardoso Lima,Sérgio Sousa Sombra,Antônio Carlos Santana dos Santos,Augusto César Barros Barbosa,Francisco Geraldo de Melo Pinheiro,José Maria Brabo Alves
Os padrões de Ventos de Baixos Níveis (VBN) no Litoral do Estado do Ceará (LC), costa Nordeste do Brasil (NEB), são modulados, ao longo de todo o ano, pela alternância diária entre brisa terrestre e marítima. Neste trabalho o ciclo diurno dos VBN é estud...
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João Francisco Sarno Carvalho,Ulisses Barros de Abreu Maia,Carla Soares Godinho
It is proposed a discussion about the beverage sector represented by craft (or special) breweries. It was observed a trend to create new businesses from the craft breweries and their emphasis in the world scenario. To mark this discussion, the following ...
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Pedro J. Sousa, Francisco Barros, Paulo J. Tavares and Pedro M. G. P. Moreira
Rotating structures are important and commonly used in the transportation and energy generation fields, where a better understanding of the deformations these structures endure is essential for both the design and maintenance phases. This work presents a...
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Antonio D. Cámara, Francisco Barros Rodríguez, José Miguel Martínez Carrión, Begoña Candela Martínez
Pág. 68 - 91
Hay al menos tres planos desde los que el nexo metodológico investigación-docencia puede contemplarse como factor estratégico en el proceso de aprendizaje universitario: 1) el de la productividad y competitividad científico-académica a nivel instituciona...
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Jean Robert Pereira Rodrigues, Rubens Soeiro Gonçalves, Antonio Santos Araújo Junior, João Luis de Meneses Barros, Adilto Pereira Andrade Cunha, Carmen Célia Francisco do Nascimento
Pág. e37228
Experimental evaluations based on statistical and scientific criteria play fundamental role in identification of optimal performance parameters in manufacturing engineering. Based on this premise, the Doehlert?s experimental planning method was applied t...
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Jean Robert Pereira Rodrigues, Carmem Célia Francisco do Nascimento, Silvio Rogerio de Freitas Batista, Louriel Oliveira Vilarinho, João Luis Meneses Barros, Rubens Soeiro Gonçalves
Pág. e37732
The TIG Dressing technique has been widely used for repairing cracks in welded structures when subjected to mechanical forces that induce localized fatigue, leading to the collapse during operation. However, this technique has not been used for studies i...
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Egídio Paulo Francisco Nhavene, Gracielle Ferreira Andrade, Jerusa Araujo Quintão Arantes Faria, Dawidson Assis Gomes and Edésia Martins Barros de Sousa
Biodegradable polymer possesses significant potential for applications in different fields, since flexibility gives rise to materials with great physical and mechanical property diversity. The poly-caprolactone (PCL) and chitosan derivatives (CS) have th...
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