David O. Whitten (ed.)
Essays in Economic & Business History 2006
David O. Whitten
Democracy spreads wealth to the masses and allows low-income citizens to enjoy comforts of life denied the elite of past civilizations. And because democracy makes conspicuous consumption available to a multitude of the living, the culture of extravaganc...
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David O. Whitten (ed.)
Essays in Economic & Business History 2006
David O. Whitten
Although the overwhelming mass of the dead are accorded at least a modicum of respect and many are treated grandly, some corpses are abused, sold, or even cannibalized for parts. The scale and scope of corpse abuse is exacerbated by advancing medical tec...
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David O. Whitten
In 1924 Rexford Guy Tugwell edited The Trend of Economics, a volume comprising essays by Morris Copeland, Sumner Slichter, Frank Knight, AlbertWolfe, Wesley Clair Mitchell, Paul Douglas, Frederick Mills, William Weld, Raymond Bye, John Maurice Clark, Rob...
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David O. Whitten
?Mortuary Mergers and the Internationalization of Interment? is a study ofthe death services industry?s response to a changing market. Throughout the industry and across national borders, independent mortuaries and cemeteries are merging or consolidating...
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David Whitten,Bess Whitten
Obituary of James H. Soltow (1924-2001).
David O. Whitten
The earliest European immigrants in America traveled on waterways and on pathways worn into the earth by animals and Native Americans. Once their communities began to thrive, settlers widened paths and cleared new roads and streets then began experimenti...
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