Iciar Alberdi,Roberto Vallejo,Juan G. Álvarez-González,Sonia Condés,Eduardo González-Ferreiro,Silvia Guerrero,Laura Hernández,Maria Martínez-Jauregui,Fernando Montes,Nerea Oliveira,Maria Pasalodos-Tato,Elena Robla,Ana D. Ruiz-González,Mariola Sánchez-González,Vicente Sandoval,Alfonso San Miguel,Hortensia Sixto,Isabel Cañellas
Pág. e04S
Aim of study: To present the evolution of the current multi-objective Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI) through the assessment of different key indicators on challenging areas of the forestry sector.Area of study: Using information from the Second...
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Joan Miguel Tejedor Estupiñán,Juan Fernando Alvarez Rodriguez
Pág. 215 - 220
The economic sciences have evolved and include new disciplines of analysis. While in 2014, Professor Jeffrey Sachs published his book The Age of Sustainable Development, the United Nations prepared an ambitious agreement for the sustainable developm...
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Álvaro Bustos Táuler,Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida
Pág. 273 - 290
Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo, que nació hacia 1460 y murió en 1531, lidera en Castilla el linaje de la casa de Alba en el tránsito de la Edad Media al Renacimiento. Primo carnal de Fernando el Católico, y colaborador íntimo de los Reyes, desarrolla una amp...
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Luis Jesús Belmonte Ureña,José Antonio Álvarez Bermejo,Juan Fernando Álvarez Rodríguez
Pág. 23 - 36
The financial crisis in recent years is having a significant impact on the Spanish banking sector and particularly in Spanish credit cooperatives. In this scenario, as happens in the savings banks and banks, credit unions are immersed in important moveme...
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Felipe Bravo,Juan Gabriel Alvarez-Gonzalez,Miren del Rio,Marcos Barrio,Jose Antonio Bonet,Andres Bravo-Oviedo,Rafael Calama,Fernando Castedo-Dorado,Felipe Crecente-Campo,Sonia Condes,Ulises Dieguez-Aranda,Santiago Cesar Gonzalez-Martinez,Iñigo Lizarralde,Nikos Nanos,Alberto Madrigal,F. Javier Martinez-Millan,Gregorio Montero,Cristobal Ordoñez,Marc Palahi,Miriam Pique,Francisco Rodriguez,Roque Rodriguez-Soalleiro,Alberto Rojo,Ricardo Ruiz-Peinado,Mariola Sanchez-Gonzalez,Antoni Trasobares,Javier Vazquez-Pique
Pág. 315 - 328
In this paper we present a review of forest models developed in Spain in recent years for both timber and non timber production and forest dynamics (regeneration, mortality,..). Models developed are whole stand, size (diameter) class and individual-tree....
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Diego Felipe Correa Gómez, Pablo Roberto Stevenson, Esteban Alvarez, Ana María Aldana, María Natalia Umaña, Ángela Cano, Juan Adarve, Doris Benitez, Alejandro Castaño, Álvaro Cogollo, Wilson Devia, Fernando Fernández, Lina María García, Omar Melo, Maria Cristina Peñuela, Zorayda Restrepo, Marcela Serna, Oswaldo Velásquez, César Velázquez, Patricio von Hildebrand
Resumen Autores/asDescargasReferenciasCómo citar
Jhon James Mora, Diana Y. Herrera, Juan Fernando Álvarez
L. Gurovich, J. Stern
Pág. 35 - 42
Variabilidad espacial de la velocidad de infiltración del agua en el suelo. I. Generación de datosCiencia e Investigación Agraria, Revista latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Agricultura, está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos: Thomson ISI, Alerta ...
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