Jorge Eduardo F. Cunha, George Deroco Martins, Eusímio Felisbino Fraga Júnior, Silvana P. Camboim and João Vitor M. Bravo
Understanding a crop?s productive potential is crucial for optimizing resource use in agriculture, encouraging sustainable practices, and effectively planning planting and preservation efforts. Achieving precise and tailored management strategies is equa...
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Blas Cantero, Miguel Bravo, Jorge de Brito, Isabel Fuencisla Sáez del Bosque and César Medina
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world; as such, the best way to promote a more sustainable construction industry is to improve the environmental performance of this material. Since cement production is the main source of the...
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Miguel Bravo, António P. C. Duarte, Jorge de Brito and Luís Evangelista
This works intends to analyze, experimentally and numerically, the bond-slip behavior between steel and concrete made with recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) from several recycling plants in Portugal. Pull-out tests per...
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Consejo Editorial
EQUIPO EDITORIAL: Director Científico:Dr. Miguel Castro Fernández, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, Cujae, Cuba; Miembros:Dr. Edward Albert Cherney, Universidad de Waterloo, Canadá; Dr. Luis Martínez Salamero, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, España; D...
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Gabriel Henrique de A. Pereira, João Vitor M. Bravo and Jorge A. S. Centeno
Recent technological advancements in many areas have changed the way that individuals interact with the world. Some daily tasks require visualization skills, especially when in a map-reading context. Augmented Reality systems could provide substantial im...
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Miguel Bravo, Jorge De Brito and Luís Evangelista
This investigation intends to analyse the thermal performance of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) collected from several locations in Portugal. A total of 17 concrete mixes were analysed by means of ther...
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Valeria Velasco, Paulina Bravo, Pamela Williams, Jorge Campos, Rita Astudillo, Pedro Melín
Pág. 28 - 38
Los antioxidantes naturales pueden ser usados para aumentar la estabilidad de la carne de pollo durante el almacenamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la estabilidad durante el almacenamiento de carne de pollos alimentad...
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Jorge Olivar,Stella Bogino,Heinrich Spiecker,Felipe Bravo
Pág. e010
Background: The Mediterranean basin has experienced an increase in the mean annual temperature, a decrease in the mean annual precipitation, and an increase in the frequency of severe drought periods during the second half of the 20th century. However, w...
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Jorge Larenas, Antonio Sahady, Marcelo Bravo, Carolina Quilodrán, Xenia Fuster
Pág. Pág. 189 - 216
Puesto a prueba desde tiempos inmemoriales, el ingenio humano ha creado verdaderas obras de arte para dar respuesta a condiciones adversas. Una demostración de ello son las azudas o ruedas de agua, fruto de la necesidad de conseguir un eficiente riego de...
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Jorge Videla C., Fernando Bravo F., Francisco Martínez C., Pedro Donoso S.