8   Artículos

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Ronaldo Fia, Antonio Teixeira de Matos, Fátima Resende Luiz Fia     Pág. 451 - 456
Three treatment systems consisting of anaerobic filters with upward flow followed by constructed wetland systems (CW) were evaluated for the removal of nutrients and phenolic compounds, in the treatment of coffee processing wastewater (WCP) in Viçosa, Mi... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Ronaldo Fia, Antonio Teixeira de Matos, Fátima Resende Luiz Fia     Pág. 205 - 211
Three treatment systems consisting of upflow anaerobic filters followed by constructed wetlands (CW) were evaluated in the treatment of wastewater from processing coffee cherries (WCP). The filters (F) were made up of PVC (1.5 m high and 0.35 m diameter)... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Ronaldo Fia, Filipe Cruz Schuery, Antonio Teixeira de Matos, Fátima Resende Luiz Fia, Alisson Carraro Borges     Pág. 141 - 147
This work aimed to evaluate the performance of similar anaerobic filters operating with opposite wastewater flows, and compare mathematical models that describe the kinetics of organic matter degradation in both. Two pilot-scale filters were fed with dom... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Fátima Resende Luiz Fia, Antonio Teixeira de Matos, Ronaldo Fia, Alisson Carraro Borges, Denis Leocádio Teixeira     Pág. 149 - 156
Neste estudo teve-se por objetivo avaliar o desempenho de sistemas alagados construídos (SACs) em escala laboratorial no tratamento das águas residuárias da suinocultura (ARS), sob duas taxas de carregamento orgânico (TCOA), e obter parâmetros cinéticos ... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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